Oscars 2016 – Best Picture

Posted on the 27 February 2016 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

I have managed to see 7 out of the 8 films nominated for Best Picture, which is pretty disappointing considering I bought Mad Max a few weeks ago and struggled to get into it and haven’t had a chance to properly watch it! Honestly I will get round to it eventually. So here are my thoughts on each of the films that have been nominated for the big one!

The Big ShortReview

I found this one to be engaging as well as a little be strange at times with the way in which they decided to have certain scenes. But that is something which I am sure influenced it being nominated for this award. It has a very strong acting cast with some brilliant performances especially from Steve Carell who really shows what he can do (again) in this one.

Bridge of SpiesReview

I wasn’t expecting to like this film as much as I did, I found it exceptional in terms of dialog and obviously Tom Hanks was the perfect actor to take on the leading role. We just know what we are going to get with him and Spielberg together. Not to mention how well he then works with Mark Rylance who is outstanding as the “spy”. It has plenty of thrilling moments keeping you on the edge of your seat.

Brooklyn – Review

This film totally took me by surprise as in all honesty from the trailers did not really fancy seeing it. Until I saw a feature on it and realised it was so much more than a love story/triangle. It was mainly about moving from your home to a new place for the chance of a better life, I was so pleased that it even got nominated for Best Picture and really think it deserved it.

Mad Max: Fury Road

Cannot comment on this film but I do know it took the top spot on a lot of people’s favorite films for 2015!

The Martian – Review

It seems that a pattern is emerging that I did not really fancy seeing a lot of these films initially. The same goes for this one, it took me a good few weeks to eventually catch up and see Matt Damon in a terrific performance.

The Revenant – Review

Probably the most talked about film for awards season due to Dicaprio but it has also been picking up the Best Picture/film from other awards as well. This is something that in all honesty I don’t quite get as I thought the film was half an hour too long as it dragged out. While it had good performances I don’t think it is worthy of winning this award.

Room – Review

Another highly talked about film and rightly so, although I think Jacob Trembley deserves all of the credit for his amazing performance at such a young age. He is the film for me and I think all of the awards Brie Larson is picking up for her performance isn’t quite right in all honesty. An interesting look into how the outside world will be for a young boy who has only ever known one Room one person and the TV. Very powerful.

Spotlight –Review

I seem to love a good reporter film and found myself truly enthralled in this one from start to finish. It really does tell such a disturbing and awful true story about how the catholic church hide abusive priests by moving them around instead of actually doing something properly about it to protect the young children. A case which stretched over many many years, told in a unique way with amazing performances.

What I want to win – Spotlight

What I think will win – Spotlight

Outside chance – The Big Short