OSCAR NIGHT is a Looooooong Night

Posted on the 25 February 2013 by Kristy47 @watchingwaytoomuch
UPFRONT DISCLAIMER & APOLOGY...just like the show itself, this is one freaking long post, the net result of 6 hours of viewing.  You may need to take a bit of a break.  Don't worry, I won't be offended.

The answer to Friday's Oscar Trivia Question: The Oscar host for 2012 was Billy Crystal, 2011, James Franco and Anne Hathaway and for the super bonus, 2010 was Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin

FIRST FIVES: Lisa McCusker, James Schiro, Karen Perry, Bobby Aguilera, & Dan Realson Honorable Mention: Sean Reardon Thursday's Broadcast Top 5 The Big Bang Theory-CBS 5.4/17.3
American Idol-FOX 3.9/13.5
Two and a Half Men-CBS 3.9/13.4
Grey's Anatomy-ABC 3.0/8.5
Person of Interest-CBS 2.9/14.1
Thursday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 Premio Lo Nuestro-Univision 885,512
The Vampire Diaries-CW 229,313
Scandal-ABC 205,749
American Idol-FOX 180,159
The Big Bang Theory-CBS
Thursday's Cable Top 5 Swamp People-History 1.4/4.0
The Big Bang Theory-TBS 1.2/2.5
Archer-FX 1.1/2.3
Suits-USA 1.0/3.2
NBA Basketball-TNT 1.0/1.9
Thursday's Cable Trendrr Top 5 NBA Basketball-TNT 228,118
NBA Basketball-TNT 126,554
The Walking Dead-AMC 91,699
Suits-USA 51,949
Comic Book Men-AMC 42,777
Friday's Broadcast Top 5 Shark Tank-ABC 1.8/6.4
Undercover Boss-1.5/7.3
Blue Bloods-CBS 1.4/11.0
Dateline-NBC 1.4/6.2
20/20-ABC 1.4/5.7
Friday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5 NBA Basketball-ESPN 149,750
NBA Basketball-ESPN 95,960
Degrassi-TeenNick 62,509
WWE Smackdown-Syfy
Gold Rush-Discovery 31,718
Friday's Cable Top 5
Friday's Cable Trendrr Top 5

Shark Tank-ABC 33,139
Blue Bloods-CBS 28,983
Nikita-CW 24,754
Touch-FOX 18,392
CSI-CBS 18,392
Late Night Ratings for the week of 2/11/13-2/15/13 Leno .8/3.5 The Daily Show .7/1.7 Kimmel .7/2.5 Letterman .7/3.2  Colbert .7/1.4 Fallon .5/1.6 Conan .4/.8 Nightline .4/1.5 Ferguson .4/1.5 Carson .3/.9
Early Morning Ratings for the week of 2/11/13-2/15/13 GMA 1.7/2.0 Today Show 1.7/2.0 CBS This Morning 1.0/1.1
  • Quick recap of our E! hosts: Kelly still has lavender hair, black dress stunning, Ross SO annoying and Ryan's hair getting higher with every award show. Hated Giuliana's black gown but from the neck up, not bad. 
  • Jessica Chastain looked beautiful in her flesh colored Armani Prive beaded gown and SO cute and charming with Ryan
  • Apparently Quevenzhane Wallis is known as Little Q these days.  She was once again sporting her puppy purse and a sister who was sporting some CRAZY cleavage
  • Amy Adams in her gray Oscar De La Renta dress looked like it was Monday morning and she was on the Hollywood walk of shame 
  • I had to Google Samantha Barks to know who chick with the mega front and side boobage was.  (She was Eponine in Les Mis)
  • First sighting of Channing Tatum with his wife Jenna Dewan and her belly.  The big belly didn't stop her from wearing a pretty sexy low cut bare back dress.
  • I hated Zoe Saldana's dress. Too much going on with belt, bow, and all the stuff on top 
  • Note to Kerry Washington if you have to keep pulling up the Miu Miu dress...maybe it's not a good Miu Miu choice
  • Reese Witherspoon looked very pretty from the neck up, hated the Louis Vuitton dress. I think she unintentionally gave Giuliana a slight kick when Giuliana asked Reese the secret of her voluminous hair, she said that it was the result of just having a baby, which as we all know, Giuliana couldn't do on her own...OY I felt bad for Giuliana for a second
  • Jennifer Lawrence's Dior Haute couture dress was a bit of a letdown. I think that the back necklace could be hazardous on the red carpet and after party, it could easily get caught on someone or something.  I bet someone got in trouble for screwing up the mani cam.  Jennifer apparently bet Emma Stone that she would put her face into it and say  "your ass is mine Stone" BUT apparently the cam wasn't plugged in and they didn't get the shot.  
  • Amanda Seyfried looked stunning in her Alexander Mcqueen dress,but the top didn't fit right 
  • I had no idea that Jackie Weaver from Silver Linings playbook was British.  
  • How in the world did Melissa McCarthy's people let her out looking like she did. HORRIBLE!  what was with that hair? No way that all the stylists, the husband, friends etc. could say YEAH THAT LOOKS GOOD and let her leave the house
  • Sally Field's dress made her look like she had a 3rd boob or something  
  • Dustin Hoffman went to his first Oscars in 1967 before Seacrest was "out"...sweet moment when Joseph Gordon Levitt got to meet him right on the Red Carpet 
  • Helen Hunt's forehead looked larger than ever.  She was wearing an H&M dress!  Who knew? I guess The Sessions didn't pay THAT well and maybe she spent all of the Mad About You money already?
  • My favorite nut job, Anne Hathaway was looking good, but was showing some serious side boobage accompanied by mega headlights in her Prada dress. 
  • Charlize Theron looked gorgeous in her white gown and short hairdo.
  • Jane Fonda is 75 years old and while she wore a hideous yellow dress, it didn't matter, she looked INSANELY amazing
  • Jennifer Anniston looked beautiful in her corally/red Valentino gown with her natural looking hair, but what was with all the flyaways?
  • Naomi Watts's looked like she was about to invade Mars in that Armani Prive gown.
  • DIdn't love Nicole Kidman's look at all.  Her hair looked undone and I don't think black is her color.
At 8pm, I switched over to ABC's Red Carpet show.  TRAIN WRECK ALERT: Kristin Chenoweth was horrible and awkward which made the show a must see just for the doosh chills she brought to the table.
  • Jennifer Garner's dress was a beautiful Bordeaux color with a frilly poofy back that I would have to think would be uncomfortable and would get smushed when she sat on it all night
  • Halle Berry looked gorgeous in her Versace 
  • SO SO SO good to see Robin Roberts on the Red Carpet
  • Adele looked like she could eat Kristin Chenoweth...it was so weird to see them next to each other
  • Also weird...George Clooney with that beard...making him look like Stacy Kiebler's grandpa
  • Daniel Day Lewis. Borefest.
  • I guess Kristen Stewart's accident is her current excuse for looking like a greasy mess. 
  • Another mess, Renee Zellwegger, looked exceptionally unkempt, puckery and over botoxed
  • Queen Latifah is another one who could eat Chenoweth for breakfast.

  • Way cool set to celebrate music in the movies
  • Yeah Seth McFarlane for his dig at the Academy for not nominating Ben Affleck
  • I got nervous when Captain Kirk appeared...but it worked!
  • Loved The Gay Men's Choir singing "We Saw Your Boobs" As you know I'm a fan of that topic 
  • Channing and Charlize delightful 
  • Sock puppet reenactment of Flight...hilarious
  • Seth as Sister Bertrile from the Flying Nun was really really funny, loved the converse sneakers peaking out 
  • I give the Seth opening a B+ overall.
  • Best Supporting Actor: Christof Waltz (Got it right in my Oscar Pool)
  • Melissa McCarthy was super shiny and sweaty when she came out with Paul Rudd
  • Best Animated Short: Paperman (2 for 2 for me!-I saw this one...very cute)
  • Best Animated Feature Film: Brave (3 for 3...killing it so far!)
  • Man with a kilt alert! Man with a kilt alert.  Would have been good if the man with the kilt had a Scottish accent.  Woman with the man with kilts daughter is going to be mortified when she sees the big lipstick mark on her face at home on her Tivo
  • If you were watching the Oscars on the App...you would have seen George Clooney really did drink the shot that Seth threw him from the stage
  • Best Cinematography-Life of Pi (4 for 4...just sayin!!!) Dumbledore wins!  
  • Best Visual Effects-Life of Pi (5 for 5) Jaws music was funny and super cruel all at the same time
  • Jennifer Anniston had a ton of fly aways...She's gonna be pissed at whoever did her hair 
  • Best Costume Design-Anna Karenina (6 for 6...OMG I can't believe I got that one!) The winner for costume designs' outfit was horrible...I would say that's ironic
  • Best Makeup and Hair-Les Miserables (wasn't a category in the pools I was in) the winner was wearing pink leggings and had a bees nest on her head and I'm pretty sure wore no makeup at all...you know what they say...the plumber has leaky pipes blah blah blah
  • To celebrate the 50 Years of Bond, Halle Berry, the newest Bond girl, introduced the clips and then Shirley Bassey sang Goldfinger! I honestly thought she was dead...she sang pretty well for a dead chick.
  • Best Live Action Short  - Curfew (didn't see it and wasn't in my pool)
  • Best Documentary Short - Inocente (didn't see this one either...not in the pool)
  • Liam Neeson looked like he did a bong hit before taking the stage to present.  
  • Best Documentary Feature- Searching for Sugar Man- (saw it and loved it... 7 for 7)
  • Best Foreign Film- Amour (8 for 8 saw it...most depressing movie I've ever seen...no really)
  • John Travolta is 59 years old...he looks it, you'd think if he can have afford to have a plane in his backyard he could also afford a good surgeon to do his face but you can see where his priorities are
  • Pretty sure Catherine Zeta Jones lip sank, Jennifer Hudson didn't and killed it, and you thought she couldn't be topped and then...Les Miz...chills,  with the exception of Russell Crowe.  They probably should have cut his mike off.
  • Mark Wahlberg and Ted...Okay am I an idiot? How did they do that? 
  • Best Sound Mixing- Les Miserable (not part of the pool)
  • Best Sound Editing- a tie WTF ??? Zero Dark Thirty & Skyfall don't you think a tie is bullsh*t? 
  • Captain Von Trapp's 83 years old!!!  
  • Best Supporting Actress-Anne Hathaway (9 for 9...I am SO not lying!!!)
  • I didn't know what could be worse than Anne Hathaway until I found out...Anne Hathaway with dry mouth in dire need of some Fiji water (I'm thinking they don't serve Poland Springs at the Oscars) She is just THE worst.  I can't stand her.
  • Sandra Bullocks arms are ripped from carrying baby Louis all over town, she looked good.
  • Best Editing-Argo (not in my pool, but I said it out loud and was right so I'm sort of still on a major role tonight)
  • OYYYYY KRISTEN STEWART makes me cringe every time I see her, hear her, think of her, read about her...ugh cannot deal at all with  her.  Buy a hairbrush Kristen! Get some blotter papers!  I know she was in more pain than normal because of her "accident" but seriously...stay home an pop a pill.
  • Best Production Design-Lincoln (not in any pool, didn't say it out loud, so no harm no foul)
  • Salma Hayek also had a ton of flyaways...what's up with these hairdressers?  
  • Checked Facebook and Email during Governors Award...sorry needed to stay caught up
  • That's the way to cheer us up during the memoriam segment...bring out Streisand.  She couldn't hit the high ones, but still not bad for 70!  
  • Once I see Richard Gere I don't see anyone else...I love that guy...first R rated movie I ever saw was American Gigolo 
  • Best Original Score- Life of Pi and I swear I'm not lying... 10 for 10!!! Even I am impressing myself right now!
  • Best Original Song- Skyfall...okay this is getting crazy...11 for 11 
  • Best Adapted Screenplay-Argo...12 for 12!!! Who cares who wins anymore...I'm going for a perfect score!
  • Best Original Screenplay-QUENTIN!  My fave!  Great speech, but it should be...he's the best. Of course since he's my fave, that's lucky number 13 for me!
  • Best Director- Ang Lee for the worst movie ever...so my streak is broken...I chose Spielberg, huge upset in Hollywood and in Tenafly NJ
  • Meryl Streep, who I love, looked like she just got out of bed, threw on whatever, grabbed a pair of earrings and went to the show...who cares...she's freaking Meryl Streep
  • Best Actress-Jennifer Lawrence fell on that enormous dress on her way up to get her award.  I thought it would be the necklace that got her in trouble not the dress. I felt SO bad for her (Got that one right though14 out of 15) Here's her fall in case you missed it: http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/2013-oscars/jennifer-lawrence-golden-moment-becomes-oscar-oops-052545895.html
  • Best Actor-Daniel Day Louis of course 15 out of 16, but enough about me for a minute...DDL is the first actor to win 3 Oscars 
  • Jack and Michelle Obama...not one comment from me...not one.
  • Best Picture- Argo of course! 16 out of 17 is my final score
  • Yeah Ben Affleck...great speech, I admit I got a bit choked up. http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/2013-oscars/ben-affleck-reborn-oscar-gigli-oscar-063738507.html
  • Kristen Chenoweth and Seth played us out with "Here's to the Losers" I thought Seth did a great job overall.  

IFC ran the Independent Spirit Awards on Saturday night and it was a lot of fun to watch.  I may have to add it to my full coverage repertoire next year.  The show runs at 10pm mainly because it's filled with profanity and off color commentary, just what an award show celebrating Independent film should be.  Andy Samberg hosted and did a great job.  Silver Linings Playbook won most of the awards, but I was happy to see Helen Hunt and John Hawkes from The Sessions take home some statues too since they both turned in amazing performances.  Most of you didn't watch the show so it doesn't pay for me to really give you much detail, but I will give you the top 3 "things" that I obsessed over while watching the show...1) Matthew McConahay's embarrassing pit stains,  2) Rashida Jones's super geeky glasses, and  3) Jennifer Lawrence's awesome dress. (See the photo to the left.)
I'm sure he would kill me for telling you all, but my son LOVES Joan and Melissa, Joan Knows Best.  We both do, but I'm guessing it would fall under the "don't tell anyone" category  for him, but since he doesn't read this blog, I feel the need to share and know he won't find out that I did.  We were really looking forward to the premiere all week and LOVE that it's now on Saturdays. (Thanks WE) During the premiere, I gotta say, I was a little surprised.  Basically, Joan met a woman named Shirl at a dinner party.  Shirl is a lesbian and she and Joan started spending time together.  I totally thought Shirl was into Joan in a gay way right from the beginning.  I think Joan did too because out of the blue Joan kissed Shirl on the lips while waiting for her car at the valet.  It was all Joan.  Shirl and I were shocked!  I mean it was a long, right smack on the lips, kiss.  At first I thought that Joan did it all for the cameras but I'm not so sure.  She was really upset the next day and genuinely seemed embarrassed, but when she went to let Shirl down easy, she was even more embarrassed.  Shirl told Joan she wasn't her type and wouldn't be with her (in that way) if she was the last woman on earth.  I felt bad for Joan, but it only lasted a minute.
Monday's Trivia Question: Jennifer Lawrence was nominated for Best Actress before.  Name the movie she was nominated for. She didn't win...name the actress who did.  One point each.  This is the last of Oscar themed questions.  I promise.
WWTM-Kristy http://watchingwaytoomuch.com kristy@watchingwaytoomuch.com kristy.carruba@watchingwaytoomuch.com