Ormo Soda Farls & Potato Farls and an Ulster Fry!

By Grocerygems @grocerygems
Ormo Soda Farls & Potato Farls and an Ulster Fry!
This post is thanks to one of my lovely, lovely readers, Becca, from The Sparkling Recoverer, who contacted me on St. Patricks Day, after reading about my Around the World challenge. She noticed that I hadn't reviewed anything from Ireland, a completely shocking oversight on my part! Well, Becca soon put that to rights by sending me a whole box of Irish goodies, including these breads and even instructions on making an "Ulster Fry". Thank you to Becca, and to her lovely Mum too, for such a wonderful parcel and for helping me with my challenge on behalf of Ireland!
Ormo Soda Farls & Potato Farls and an Ulster Fry!
Ormo is a company based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, who have been baking traditional Irish breads for over 135 years. The two breads that Becca sent me are traditionally used to make an "Ulster Fry", which is very similar to an full fried breakfast, but with these potato farls and soda bread on the side.
Ormo Soda Farls & Potato Farls and an Ulster Fry!
The Ormo Soda Farls are breads made with baking soda rather than yeast. They are very versatile and easy to toast or fry. Once toasted, they tasted quite similar to an English muffin type of bread, but much softer and springy, and with a tangy edge. They were just delicious with a little bit of butter on top, so soft and tasty!
Ormo Soda Farls & Potato Farls and an Ulster Fry!
The Orma Potato Farls are thinner than the Soda Farls, but are much heavier in texture, and are made of mashed potato and flour. The consistency was a bit like a thick pancake, but denser from the potato. We put these in a frying pan with a little butter to get them lovely and golden. I'm going to have to find a local supermarket that sells these because they were absolutely delicious and perfect with a fry up.

So here's my finished Ulster Fry! Although when I say "my" I have to give props to Mr. Grocery Gems because he's the undisputed Master of fry ups in this house. He did most, ok it was all, of the cooking. This Ulster Fry includes; the soda and potato farls, bacon, sausages, eggs, baked beans, grilled tomatoes and mushrooms! There are many recipes online for an Ulster Fry, like this one from the Hairy Bikers, and I would recommend giving it a go, it's so much nicer than just a normal fry up with toast!

Many thanks again to Becca for sending this out, everyone in my family loved the breads and the Ulster Fry! I'll also have a review of some fantastic Irish crisps coming up soon that Becca also very kindly sent.