Origami Wedding Cake Toppers — Uniquely Wonderful Madness!

By Claire

Just a dinky lit­tle wed­ding blog for you this morn­ing as I work behind the scenes on var­i­ous thoughts and future blog posts -  and dinky it is indeed. Here’s some­thing very, very dif­fer­ent… Prince William and Kate Mid­dle­ton made out of paper for starters:

Unique wed­ding cake top­per from Me, Myself & Te™

They’re the cra­zi­est wed­ding cake top­pers I’ve ever seen — beau­ti­fully made, def­i­nitely a talk­ing point, and won­der­fully dif­fer­ent. I only wish I had a frac­tion of the tal­ent of their cre­ator, Col­lette Te.

These cake top­pers are from Me, Myself & Te™ and avail­able on Etsy.com. Designer Col­lette says, “each item is per­son­al­ized and 100% hand­made from JUST ‘paper’. Me, Myself & Te™ was cre­ated for those who think out­side the box, cou­ples who are look­ing for wed­ding top­pers & dec­o­ra­tions that reflect their per­son­al­i­ties mak­ing their spe­cial day stand out from the crowd.”

Bridal party wed­ding cake top­per made out of paper by Me, Myself & Te™

If you love these lit­tle char­ac­ters and fancy see­ing your own bridal party made out of paper (see the vicar there?!) then get your­self over to Etsy.com to see more. Col­lette has a lovely lit­tle col­lec­tion of these quirky char­ac­ters, they’re worth see­ing just to put a smile on your face!
