Oriental Name Plaque Tutorial

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
It's no secret that a name is a powerful thing.  We use them to identify ourselves, our family, our homeland, our friends, and our favorite things.
Chinese New Year (the year of the dragon) is celebrated on Monday the 23rd, and to help celebrate, I'm going to do a whole week's worth of craft projects inspired by the orient.  To get started, I looked at ways to turn a group of names into a piece of art.  Here's what I came up with;
  1. Cut letters of each name out of an old magazine (I recommend you look for letters the same colour; I chose red, black and white.)
  2. On a piece of plain or textured A5 card, arrange the letters coming down the page, not across.
  3. If one of the names is too long, see if you can re-size it with smaller letters, or continue the name as a new column coming down beside the first.
  4. Once you are content the names fit, glue them down.
  5. Frame the picture in frameless glass cover, and set it up for all to view.

Alternatively - instead of writing family or friends' names, spell out a favorite phrase, or saying.  You could also try the same idea with letter-stamps instead of cutouts.
Don't forget there are Oriental Printpapers for purchase on my shop-site, and lots of other ideas to get you inspired.