Organizing the Free-For-All That is My Life

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

My definition of Organized is:

   *To be able to find my crap quickly in any room, space or file. And it has to look neat and prettily arranged.

Usually my blog is all about my crazy family and weird stuff that happens to me but recently I have become obsessed with getting organized. With that said I am just going to bore you with a blogpost about it today.

So I am working on this huge goal to be completely organized at home. I started with my home office over spring break and pictures are coming soon. Just have to sell an ovary to afford the cool office chair and rug I want. But I must get to my files. There is currently no system there at all. I thought there was but really I was kidding myself. You can see what I mean:

Then there’s my supplies drawer that is horrendous, just look at that mess:

So I have a lot of work to do. I admit I get started then I get overwhelmed then I just need a drink to calm myself and try again. That method seems to work pretty well. So as you can imagine, there is a lot of running back and forth to the grocery store beer aisle and the liquor store. But I am kicking it friends, I really am. I will be organized by the end of the summer, even it kills me.

I truly envy those organizers I see on Instagram and Pinterest. Like check out this site called “A Bowl Full of Lemons”: I want my office to look this organized dammit! Her entire site is loaded with tips, ideas and challenges. Makes me weep with envy of her skills. I’ll get there.

Why do I need to be organized? Is it OCD? I have no idea but when things are all neat and in their own place, I get such a rush. Am I nuts? Remember my post on Bullet Journaling?  I am still working on that and I have discovered cool “planners” like calendars on drugs with stickers and colored pens and cool sticky notes too. I think I may need an intervention.

If you have blogs, Pinterest Boards or websites that are all about getting organized, let me know and help a sister out.