Over the weekend I became a bit of a hermit deciding that it was time to re-organise my clothing and jewelery storage areas. Yes I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to this kind of thing, usually sits in the too hard or slightly overwhelming basket and therefore it can wait. I am sure we all do the same thing!
Stage 1 is complete I am pleased to announce and although to some eyes this may look unorganised, let me assure you it is completely the opposite.
Step one for me was to obtain space saving coat hangers recommended by my dear friend, the great thing about the coat hangers is they are lined with velvet and as such slippage is irrelevant! YES!
Step two was to go through piece by piece and purge or keep or store for warmer weather! TICK!
Step three was to rehang.... Done but there is still too much in the small space... (I guess that kinda makes step 2 somewhat incomplete) I am not sure if I mentioned, I actually do have a small area for my clothes so it was with great pleasure to organize and purge what I could!
Some results above for your viewing pleasure of NOT!?
Big Love,LSB xoxo
PS: Stage 2 is my shoe wardrobe organising - that's really a mess!