Organic September 2015

By Natalie Tamara @thetofudiaries

September 1st marked the start of the Soil Association’s Organic September. I’m a day late to the party but sometimes life takes over!

Organic September 2015

Organic September is all about making small changes to swap your usual items for more organic and fresh seasonal produce with benefits for people, animal welfare and the environment. The Soil Association have created some great resources to support anyone who wants to take part, including thirty small affordable ideas and this awesome planner which is available to download from their website.

Organic September Planner - The Tofu Diaries

I decided to take part to see where I could make these changes for myself. For each week of September I’ve set myself a different challenge:

  • Week One: Small Changes
    • I’ll be swapping my daily morning coffee for an organic ground coffee and organic plant milk
  • Week Two: A Change a Day
    • For the second week of Organic September, I’ll be taking on a bigger challenge and swapping one meal a day for an organic one
  • Week Three: Organic Treats
    • To explore how little luxuries can also be organic without compromise, in week three I’ll be swapping any treats I have for organic ones – like wine and chocolate!
  • Week Four: Veggies Go Organic
    • To round up, I’ll be trying out swapping all of my fruit and vegetables for the week with organic ones and seeing if it’s affordable

Organic September - Coffee and Oat Milk

Are you taking part in #OrganicSeptember? Let me know what changes you’ll be making – or get involved and join me in each of my weekly challenges!