Ordinary Vs Extraordinary

By Stacylrust

We can argue all day about what makes for ordinary or extraordinary.

I don’t care about any of that.

I don’t care what other people think.

What makes a difference is what I think about the world.

Do I see ordinary? Or extraordinary?

When I look around… at my apartment, my work, my neighborhood, my belongings, the people in my life… what do I choose to see?

When I look in the mirror, what do I choose to see?

If I think of myself as ordinary, I start to believe everyone and everything is ordinary too.

I become a critic, a cynic… afraid.


I start hiding. I mute and dull myself. Because, why not? I’m just ordinary.

On the days that I choose to believe in extraordinary, then all I see and touch is extraordinary too.

Magic appears in the ground I stand on.

When I wake up in the morning, I have to make that choice. Again and again, throughout the day.

Ordinary or extraordinary?

We could argue that everyone is extraordinary.

But, by definition, that would make the extraordinary, in fact, ordinary.

The difference simply lies in the language I use.

It’s the feeling behind the word, as I say it to myself, that changes everything.

When I look at the world around me, the people, the circumstances, and see ordinary… I start to feel small. I take the wind right out of my sails.

But, when I make the decision to see extraordinary, both in myself and others, I feel different, and everything is different.

Forget what everyone else thinks.

Forget the world’s standards for extraordinary.

None of it matters.

All that matters is what you think, moment to moment.

When I choose to see extraordinary in myself, everything falls into place.

Choose to see extraordinary, and extraordinary follows.