This week has been one of those weeks, in a positive way, Abbie has been the most well behaved toddler I've known, the past 2 days we've had ZERO tantrums too, anyone with a 2 year old know how rare that really is! It's just been so lovely, lots of ordinary moments and nothing really special happened but sometimes it's been lovely, a stress free and relaxing week! It's been bliss!
The other day I had a little thought to make a big bed on the floor in the living room, so we took all the cushions off the sofa and popped them on the floor, Abbie moved them to where she wanted them, obviously, perfectly straight and in line with each other, so much like her mother ha ha. And we just led on the cushions watching some telly, for a good 45 mins, Ben came home from work and joined us straight away, so the three of us just enjoyed each others company and chilled out together, it's not often we can do that with the 3 of us so it was a lovely thing! Abbie was excited he was home and pretty much ignored me so I decided to take a few photos of them together and sit back and let them bond, it was so lovely to see :)
There's something so sweet about watching them together, they have this unbreakable bond that no-one will ever come between, it's different to the bond I have with her and the bond she has with me, as soon as she hears the back door open of an evening, she knows who it is, she runs across the living room shouting 'Daddy!' and as soon as she sees him she asks him 'How are you today', usually followed by jumping, smiling and asking him to hold her upside down (no rest for Daddy!) ha.
I've linked up with The Ordinary Moments again this week, pop over too and share your favorite moment this week :)
Happy Sunday! <3