Orange Veggie Dress (Outfit)

By Themowway @themowway

I am back to blogging!!!!As you may (or may not) know, I've had some severe issues with my blog for the past week, I've had a really hard time... I feared that my blog was never going to come back... This has made me realice EVEN MORE how important blogging is for me.In the end is seems that the whole terrible issue was just a space and a slash that had been misplaced on my template... so all the photos that I was uploading and coding into my blog had the wrong html coding! I could have NEVER imagined that this silly thing could create such a terrible MESS!!!!Anyway, as I have already said a million times... the best part of blogging are the amazing people I have been able to virtually "meet"...I was feeling lost and sooo frustrated.. had no one who understood what my problem was... so I reached out to the bloggers I have been doing button swap with. And they have helped me SO MUCH... I feel incredible lucky!Thank you adorable ladies!!!! I will be re/posting my sponsor love post very soon, in the mean while check out their blogs by clicking on their buttons on the side bar!

Back to the outfit, got this dress from Primark when I was in Manchester a couple of months ago and I love it! It goes really well with almost anything and the print is so original! Little veggies... big plus... is was only 5 quid, which makes it even more perfect!!!!Not sure if you can see the detail... but my lips are orange to match the dress.... love orange lips!!!!

The neckline is so comfortable, it is the perfect height for a daytime dress.

I like taking photos on the rooftop, but sometimes the colours don't come out right... I mean.. look at my legs! I sweat that in real life my legs were not orangy-strange! But oh, well... that's what we get for being lazy and not wanting to cross the road to my beloved fields.

Love to combine colours, so I really think that orange and blue belog together! Also, in general I really like clothes with food prints on them... yummy...What do you think?

Well, as you can imagine... I prepared this post to go live on Tuesday... but the technical difficulties the blog was facing made it impossible...So, you just imagine it says "Happy Thursday". Ha!
What I wore: Dress: Primark (5 punds, super bargain, yay!)Belt & clutchBlanco
Sunnies: ZaraHeels: Local shop in Bolton

Completely unrelated topics:

♥ Today I reached 300 followers on GFC. I got home from work and Nino had made me a lovely card (in English) to celebrate it... I am amazed!! I hadn't realised there were so many of you amazing people who are supporting my blog. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.♥ I have at last my lovely Macbook with me! I still don-t know how to use it... I will be attending my first Mac class on Saturday... excited!♥ My dear friend Marta is coming on holiday to Spain... and she is arriving on Saturday... She is currently living with her boyfriend in Chile! (how cool is that!!) so my friend Anni and I really miss her!♥ Finished the community Management course last week! I am so happy for having learnt so many amazing things and for having met some of the most wonderful people EVER!♥ Sponsor Love post will be up VERY soon... Stay tuned... I have the best sponsors ever!! (L)

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