Orange, Carrot and Ginger Juice Recipe - A Juice for Healthy Skin....

By Pjkiruthika
                          Nowadays I am caught with a habit of adding ginger, with all the juices I try. If you have tasted the sugarcane juice with the dash of ginger in it, you'll accept with me. The aroma of ginger makes me feel fresh all the time....Started making Orange Carrot juice, and it ended better with a extra kick of ginger thrown in it. 

                           Moving in to the benefits of the juice. Carrot not only improves vision, but good for skin and hair also. Orange juice is full of Vitamin C (a vitamin with antioxidant property). Orange juice helps in the absorption of iron and calcium too. Ginger juice helps in killing cancer cells, reducing fatty liver and aids in digestion. I have listed only some few benefits of the above used ingredients. And now back to juicing.....

Prep time 15 minsCooking time NilIngredients2 nos Carrot (Chopped)1 glass Orange Juice1 inch sized Ginger1/2 glass Water 1 tbsp Honey (optional)Procedure1. Wash the carrot thoroughly and chop it. Wash the ginger, deskin and chop it.2. Then in a blender put the chopped carrots and ginger, blend it.3. Now strain the extracted juice, add it with the orange juice and mix well. Add honey if needed.4. You can top with ice cubes if needed.                              Note:
  • Instead of orange juice, you can extract juice from two navel oranges and use it. The juice is more fresh than the one above.