“Optimized For WordPress” Hosting May Not Be What You’re Looking For

Posted on the 15 November 2022 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

WordPress is a popular powerful and versatile content management solution for your website. It is often offered as one of the CMS options by various hosting providers. However, some hosting providers hosting are offering plans that are “optimized for WordPress”, guaranteeing certain benefits and unique features aimed at improving your WordPress hosting experience. But are these benefits worth paying extra for them, or are they merely a marketing turn? In today’s article, we are going to break down “Optimized for WordPress” hosting in order to answer this question.

Benefits of WordPress CMS

Before we move on to the analysis of the so-called “optimized for WordPress” options, let’s look at the benefits that are provided by WordPress on its own.

1. Open-source

Optimized for WordPress

WordPress is an open-source CMS, which means that you can feel free to modify its source code, which maximizes its customizability and flexibility, especially for experienced users.
User-friendly interface. One of the reasons WordPress is so popular and widespread is its extremely convenient interface.

2. Free of charge

WordPress is free, so you are not dependent on the volume of your budget.
A big variety of plugins. Given the popularity of WordPress, there are lots of plugins that have been developed for it by its extensive community, which increases, even more, the basic functionality of WordPress.

3. SEO optimization

Optimized for WordPress

Among other things, there are various WordPress plugins that help optimize your website to the peculiarities of search engines to achieve the top rankings.

4. Community- Optimized For WordPress

Optimized for WordPress

As mentioned, WordPress has a large community of users and developers. Therefore, there are always enough materials, guides, and documentation to help you solve any issue.

What does “optimized for WordPress hosting” stand for?

Now that we have an idea why WordPress is a great CMS, let’s see, what features can be offered by providers within an “Optimized for WordPress” hosting plan. Keep in mind that offers of this kind vary a lot, so there is no universal set of features.

In the majority of cases, WordPress optimization consists in installing additional plugins that improve certain features of WordPress by default. These can relate to either speed or security, or certain further features.
Also, optimized WordPress hosting providers offer the preinstallation of web servers like Nginx or Apache, which are in turn responsible for the speed and performance of the website as well, whereby Apache has more accent on customization, while Nginx handles better high traffic peaks.

Also, you’ll be probably offered such features as a staging environment and configurable backups.

The staging environment provides you the possibility to modify your site without the risk of breaking something. If, when making some changes, something goes wrong, you can just restore the normal version of your website.

Configurable data backup is a measure that keeps the data of your website in safety, so you can adjust, how often and what kinds of backups you want to make, without worrying about installing and configuring the necessary tools.

Another possible feature provided within WordPress-optimized hosting plans is WordPress-oriented professional technical support.

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Is it worth taking a plan optimized for WordPress?

Whether or not to take an optimized WordPress plan depends on your needs and whether you consider the features provided useful enough to be extra paid for. You shouldn’t be attracted just by the offer as such if you are going to use WordPress Instead, analyze, which exact features are offered by the provider and whether you can or not perform all these configurations on your own. Now, let’s have a look at the common issues that can turn out to be pitfalls if a user isn’t considerate enough.

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1. Profitability- Optimized For WordPress

Usually, WordPress-optimized hosting is offered for a comparatively higher price. Given that money is a valuable resource by default, you are probably willing to spend it on a worthy offer or to save it for something more necessary. Moreover, you can achieve the same configuration by studying certain materials on the topic, especially if you have some background already. There are often ways not to make certain expenses by doing a bit more work. So, be always aware of what you opt for.

2. Limitations- Optimized For WordPress

Opting for a Worpress-optimized hosting solution, you end up being limited only to running WordPress as well as plugins WordPress-specific plugins on it – which means less customizability and flexibility. If you aren’t completely sure if you are going to use WordPress exclusively, then look for more universal options.

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3. Marketing- Optimized For WordPress

Optimized for WordPress

There is often nothing special about WordPress-optimized offers, which you couldn’t get just by opting for a regular VPS plan where you could freely choose the proper CMS. If you get just a bare machine with Worpress preinstalled, but for a higher price, then obviously the offer is merely a marketing ploy used for earning more on inconsiderate customers. Therefore, again, make sure to consider the offers carefully, not being attracted by mere “hype”.

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4. Managed server- Optimized For WordPress

Often WordPress-optimized offers come in the form of managed server configuration. Managed server means that the various tasks related to the configuration and maintaining the server are taken over by the hosting provider’s team, for an extra fee. This is intended for customers that are willing to invest their time and attention in other tasks than managing a server. If you are one of them, then this offer is for you. But if you are instead interested in managing the server on your own, while also having more control and responsibility over it, then go for an unmanaged hosting plan.

Conclusion of Optimized For WordPress

WordPress is a popular CMS that is useful in many cases and for various customers. But if you see offers of plans specially optimized for WordPress, you should analyze carefully what exactly is hidden behind this label to be not tricked. We hope that now you know well what to look for. Thank you for your attention!

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