Optimize and Enhance Your Pictures with Photomizer 3

Posted on the 11 September 2016 by Rahulthepcl

The possibilities of editing a photo with different tools and programs are endless, but the lack of proper usage and incomplete knowledge made it hard to do so. Though there are so many apps, tools, and websites to enhance and optimize pictures, most of them just alter the colors, a little bit adjustments here and there, and those creepy filters are not the solutions.
Not everyone can excel their Photoshop skills, so other companies have come up with programs and tools that could be used by everyone. One such amazing tool is Photomizer, and you can make your pictures better and enhanced in the most straightforward and easy ways.

So let's start the review of Photomizer Pro and how it is for your pictures?

Photomizer is an image enhancing and optimization tool for Windows Users. This premium tool has a pretty straightforward and sufficient range of features and functions. It simply converts lousy images and produces them into high-quality results. The images could be in both manual and automatic modes, and the software offers various attractive, intuitive, and, comfortable, interface suitable for all users.

It is designed for every user with a simple understanding of computers, and they can process their images in various aspects like noise, contrasts, and advanced features like HDR ranging, etc.

So to get started with all the editing and image optimizations, you'll need to download the Photomizer program for your system or laptop. Though it is a premium software still the company offers a trial version for all the users to test out the features. The trial is free to use, and you can download the tool directly from the official website of Photomizer.
The installation is very simple and only takes few minutes to get the dice rolling. You can run this software on almost every system as the tool and only requires minimal configuration. Photomizer is compatible with Windows XP, Vista,7,8,10, regardless of 32-bit or 64-bit. The latest version of Photomizer is 3.0, and you can purchase the licensed version from the official website only.

To be frank, it's the most efficient and useful editing tool I've ever used on any device. It very simple to us and the interface is comparable to any standard editing software but with smooth interactions for different features.

The dashboard greets you with a very minimal interface with all the optimizing and correction tools. Though it is not as other compressive tools, Photomizer's functions most of the repairing and optimizing work on your rough, lousy images and transforms them into something better.
This software comes with inbuilt HDR (High Dynamic Range) toning feature and also supports images with large resolutions, color, tonality adjustments and much more. You could easily remove all the noise and background artifacts quickly with this tool. Most of the features could be applied either in background mode or custom mode.

Also, you can use an unlimited number of enhancement layers and corrections in the photograph. Moreover, you can adjust the primary colors, toning, sharpness, contrast and saturation levels according to you. The customizable split view allows you to preview the enhancements and the app smartly overlays the corrections, i.e. the original picture would not be altered in any way.

  • Photomizer has a very attractive and intuitive interface by which you can easily edit or transform any image into professional results.
  • You are entitled to import images from storage devices, and even the camera on Windows.
  • The split screen allows you to preview the results along with the original unedited image.
  • The software also offers device-oriented output files, and you can save your enhancement sessions in profiles for secure future conversions.
  • Surprisingly, the software also supports RAW files for enhancements and also supports HDR toning to make the image more perfect and professional.

So how much does this product costs? Well, the Photomizer Pro software is priced at a very attractive offer of $34.95, and you can buy the tool directly from the official website. Though it is a great deal to opt the company recommends you to try out the trial version first. Since the trial version would give you the essential glimpse of every premium feature that Photomizer Pro offers.

Since it is good software but it does lack the extended functionalities of a professional editing tool. But as the company says that this tool is for everyone, so you can't complain the software to have any exceptional feature.

So these were my views on this remarkable Photomizer tool, and now it is your turn to share all the thoughts related to this software. It's a great app and has been used by photography students initially so that you can understand the actual usage of this performance-oriented tool.
Please try out the trial version initially before jumping to purchase the licensed version. You can get more information about the software on the official website. Cheers!