Oprah New Series “Released” Tell Stories Of Redemption [VIDEO]

By Firstladyb


Released is the story of six former inmates searching for a fresh start.

Oprah Winfrey new docu-series tell stories of redemption.  The docu-series follow ex-inmates as they return home from prison.

The concept of the show was birthed from Shaka Senghor’s book Writing My Wrongs: Life, Death, and Redemption in An American Prison.Winfrey shared that she was so moved after reading the book, she set up a meeting with the author that she called,

“One of the best interviews of my life.”

During an interview at the Tribeca TV festival, Winfrey and Senghor shared the same feeling that:

“Everybody has the ability retell their story and to be redeemed.”

Make sure you check out Released when it  airs Saturday nights on the Oprah Winfrey Network.