Opposed to ‘unilateral Actions’ on Kashmir: China After Xi-Imran Meeting

Posted on the 08 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

China on Sunday promised collaboration closer to Pakistan under the CPEC investment program of USD 60 billion and called for the problem of Kashmir correctly and peacefully when opposing "unilateral actions" which could make it difficult for the situation as Prime Minister Imran Khan held talks with Chinese leadership, including President Xi Jinping.

Khan called the President XI on the last day of a four-day visit to China to discuss a number of problems including the slow pace of China-Pakistan's economic corridor (CPEC) and increased concerns of Beijing for recurrent attacks on Chinese personnel who worked on various projects in Pakistan.

In his meeting with Khan, XI said China strongly supported Pakistan in protecting national independence, sovereignty, dignity, and terrorism struggling, reporting the Xinhua news agency managed by the government. He said China was willing to join hands with Pakistan to encourage the development of deep CPE and ensure the implementation of major projects.

"Both sides confirm that peaceful and prosperous South Asia are interests in all parties," said a joint statement issued at the end of the Khan visit to China to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

"They emphasize the importance of pursuing dialogue and resolving all extraordinary disputes to promote regional cooperation and advance the purpose of peace, stability, and prosperity that last long in the region," he said.

Pakistani side directs the Chinese about the latest developments on the situation in Jammu & Kashmir, including problems, current positions and problems. The Chinese side reaffirms that the problem of Kashmir is a dispute that is left of history, and must be resolved properly and peacefully based on the United Nations Charter, the resolution of the relevant Security Council and bilateral agreement. China opposes every unilateral action that makes it difficult for the situation, "he said.

In the past, India strongly rejected the references carried out on Jammu and Kashmir in a previous joint statement by Pakistan and China and confirmed that the union area might be and would remain an integral and irreversible part.

In July 2021, 2021, a spokesman for the external affairs of Arinindam Bagchi had objected to the reference made for what China-Pakistan's economic corridor in a statement by the two countries, said it was in the Indian region that Pakistan has been occupied illegally.

"As in the past, India firmly rejected any reference to Jammu and Kashmir. The United States United States and Kashmir union and the Ladakh Union have been and will remain an integral part and cannot be revoked from India," Bagchi said.

A spokesman has said that India consistently conveyed to China and Pakistan that what CPE called was in the Indian region. "We firmly opposed every effort by other countries to change the status quo in illegally occupied areas by Pakistan also with Pakistan which raises any material change in the Indian region under the occupation illegally. We call the parties who care to stop This action, "he said.
The Joint Chinese-Pakistani statement also said that China acknowledged Pakistan's sacrifice and efforts in the war against terrorism added that both parties reaffirmed their commitment to fighting terrorism and its manifestation.

It was said, "both parties agreed to continue the momentum in defense cooperation at various levels between the Pakistani and Chinese armed forces". China has emerged as a supplier of Pakistan's largest weapons including combat tanks, fighter planes and the latest Navy Freach.

"They underline that stronger defense and security cooperation between Pakistan and China is an important factor in peace and stability in the region," he said.