Opinion Battles Starts Next Week

By Newguy

Opinion Battles Year 2 starts next Monday 11th January 2016 and our first subject is Favourite Quentin Tarantino Character, if you want more information on Opinion Battles click HERE or email moviereviews101@yahoo.co.uk

The question remains which one of Tarantino’s characters will get selected, will it be one from a film he directed or just one he wrote or even one he only starred in.

Directed Films

My Best Friend’s Birthday

I think this would be one that most people haven’t seen, so I don’t expect to see any of these characters appearing.

Reservoir Dogs

The Heist gone wrong film that really put Tarantino on the map and the one that first showed he can create an iconic scene because who will forget the scene with the ear?

Pulp Fiction

The one that was robbed of Best Picture, well that is what the fans say, this is considered his true classic and with such an all-star cast this showed the film maker had everything in his locker.

Jackie Brown

The one most people forget, I do think that this is the fair statement because he has made so many highly praised films this one is the one people seems to forget.

Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2

The one with the beautiful vengeful bride, this one is where things start looking a lot more fun showing he can handle violence in an artistic style.

Death Proof

The one people say is his worst, while this isn’t on the levels of his other work it does work for the genre it is trying to give us very well.

Inglorious Basterds

The war epic that is his own way of ending World War II, a film that is advertised as violent but really is a brilliant drama.

Django Unchained

The Revenge film that showed us DiCaprio can play the bad guy just as well as the good guy.

The Hateful Eight

The Modern western that turns into a massive game of whose who.

Written Ones

·   True Romance

·   Natural Born Killers

·   From Dusk Till Dawn