Opinion Battles Round 8
Favourite Disney Animated Film (Non Pixar)
Disney has been making animated movies from almost the start of film, they always seem to reach the right levels the audience love. Today we are picking our favorite Animated Disney movie without considering any of the Pixar films.
For the next round we will be looking at our favorite Marvel Characters, if you want to take part in this round email your choice to moviereviews101@yahoo.co.uk by 1st May 2016.
Darren – Movie Reviews 101
Treasure Planet
Treasure Planet is one of my all-time favorite animated movies, I love the fresh approach to the Treasure Island story by taking into space. The adventure Jim goes on is beautifully shot and the characters which include plenty of space creatures all fit into the universe they find themselves in. th film also includes one of my favorite songs by Disney with ‘I’m Still Here’ which has been a motivation song about achieve something. I would also like to point out this has one of my favorite quotes from any film with
John Silver ‘Now you listen to me, James Hawkins. You got the makings of greatness in you, but you got to take the helm and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails, and show what you’re made of… well, I hope I’m there, catching some of the light coming off you that day.’
Kim – Tranquil Dreams
The Aristocats
This choice is kind of like making me pick my favorite child (if I had children). The Aristocats wins over The Fox and the Hound and Lady and the Tramp and even Cinderella, Aladdin or The Lion King just because its the movie I always go back to when I want to watch a Disney animation. Its light and fun. I love the kittens and O’Malley and Scat Cat and his Everybody Wants to be a Cat. Plus, its a fun and funny family adventure.
Sleeping Beauty
What’s my favorite Disney animated (non-Pixar) film? Well, if I was trying to actually WIN this Opinion Battles thing, I’d lie & choose either Beauty & The Beast or The Lion King.😉 Pretty sure they’ll be the top two! Beauty & The Beast is probably an extremely close second favorite for me but I’m going to do what I’ve done all along & choose my actual favorite, whether or not people agree. I choose Sleeping Beauty.
Sleeping Beauty is my favorite for several reasons. First & foremost, it was my daughter’s very very first “favorite Disney movie” (soon followed by The AristoCats, so I also have a huge soft spot for that one).
Second of all, it has the most beautiful Disney song of all thanks to it using Tchaikovsky’s classical piece from the Sleeping Beauty ballet: Grande valse villageoise (The Garland Waltz). Yes, I absolutely adore fun Disney songs (those from The Jungle Book & The AristoCats are my favorite) but the use of the classical music in Sleeping Beauty makes it feel like a timeless fairy tale.
Next, it probably has the coolest villain out of all the Disney movies. That’s why Maleficent got her own film, after all! Seriously – no one tops Maleficent or Cruella De Vil when it comes to Disney villains. They’ve got the look & they’ve got the EVIL.
Finally, I admit that I find the character of Sleeping Beauty herself to be rather insipid but WHO CARES when you have Flora, Fauna & Merryweather – easily three of my all-time favorite Disney characters. I love those damn fairies! (Don’t even get me started on how they ruined them in the Maleficent movie. Grrr! I hated them in that!!).
So that’s it. Those are enough reasons to make Sleeping Beauty my favorite Disney movie, even though I usually go more for the animal ones such as 101 Dalmatians.
Richard – The Humpo Show
The sequels leave something to be desired, but the first and second movies are comedy gold. Even now, I laugh when watching it, especially as I get some of the jokes that wouldn’t have got when I was 9 or 10 when I first watched it- “do you think he’s compensating for something?”- Shrek referring to the size of Lord Farquad’s castle. Eddie Murphy is also the perfect donkey!
Rob – Movie Rob
This is one of my favorite Disney movies and I can watch it over and over again because besides the great animation, the fact that Robin Williams was chosen as the lead voice talent helps to skyrocket this movie high above any other Disney movie’s voice talents prior to this.
His ability to ad-lib, helped the animators and the screenwriters to incorporate so many great lines and jokes into the movie that never would have been there if not for him.
Interestingly enough, this movie caused the trend that most (if not all) subsequent animated films (Disney and others) now based at least one main character on the personality of a famous actor who voices the main character.
This movie has an amazing score and soundtrack created by Alan Menken and Tim Rice (with some help from the late Howard Ashman). It won Best song for A Whole New World and also won Best Music Score
Emma – Emma Explains It All
The Little Mermaid
One of the easiest decisions ever. And I’m sure anybody that knows me, is not surprised by my choice! I owned The Little Mermaid on VHS. I’ve subsequently owned two copies on DVD and one Blu-Ray. And let’s not forget the two CD soundtracks (one is a double disc special edition). In all honesty I don’t think there’s another film in existence I’ve obsessed over more. The bittersweet ending never fails to make me cry. The dialog never fails to make me laugh and the music is my favorite of any Disney film. And most importantly, this was THE Disney movie of my childhood – I’m sure I can’t be the only person here to have a heap of nostalgia in my entry.
Rachel – 54 Disney Reviews
I admit my selection for favorite Disney is not free from nostalgia. As a little girl I loved Disney but never really connected with a movie until I saw The Little Mermaid. Everything about it worked for me. I was always a kid that felt uncomfortable in my own skin. That didn’t like being a kid. So Ariel’s desire to be part of a different world made sense to me. Plus, the songs were unforgettable. My sister and I used to have contests at night about who sounded the most like Ariel. (It was totally me every time…)
As an adult I find Little Mermaid still holds up. I hear criticisms of Ariel- that she is giving up everything to be with a man- and I reject those criticisms. She has been collecting human items for years. They are her most prized possessions. Eric is just finally the catalyst that forces Ariel to go after where she knows she’s always belonged. I think that is powerful stuff. Her agreement with the sea witch is an act of desperation after all her human world has been destroyed by her father. Anyway, I love Ursula as the villain and the comic relief is hilarious.
And the music…how I love the music. It’s perfect. Also the attention to detail in the animation is outstanding. Did you know they animated a million bubbles? I just love Little Mermaid. I loved it as a little girl and I love it today.
Paul – Return to the 80s
The Lion King
It is perfect timing for this battle of Animated (non-Pixar) Disney movie as I am in Disney this week, taking part in the Star Wars 5k.
I am going to move away from the ‘80s for this battle. I was tempted to go with The Fox and the Hound, but I decided to go with my favorite Disney movie – The Lion King.
First, there is a great story here, with a lot of life lessons. One of my favorites is not to dwell on the past, but just learn from it. There is nothing you can do to change it. There is also Hakuna Matata. It means no worries for all the rest of your days. And Disney went with their signature move – killing off a parent. This movie also had action, romance, and comedy.
The voice acting is great. You can’t go wrong with James Earl Jones! Jeremy Irons was purrrfectly cast as the evil Scar. Both young and adult Simba also had good actors – Jonathan Taylor Thomas (in his Home Improvement heyday) and Matthew Broderick respectively. Nathan Lane was brilliant as Timon, and had great chemistry with Ernie Sabella’s Pumbaa. And of course, we had Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin, and Jim Cummings as the hyenas.
This movie also had an incredible soundtrack, written by the legendary Elton John. “The Circle of Life” still gives me the chills at the very beginning of the movie. Hakuna Matata stays with you. It’s been stuck in my head ever since I mentioned it up above. Both “The Circle of Life” and “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” were huge hits in several countries. The strength of the music and story also helped make The Lion King one of Broadway’s biggest hits.
This classic film will always be one of Disney’s most enduring hits.
Prudence – What About Movies
Beauty and the Beast
There is a reason why Beauty and the Beast is the first ever animated film to be nominated for an Academy Award for best picture. Having rewatched this again recently, I see how visually stunning it is, compared to the other Disney animated movies that came before it. The images have more depth, and the colors are richer and more vibrant. The ballroom scene looks fantastic, with the deep blues, and the thick browns, and the lush golds. The music is absolutely stunning and unforgetable too. I could (annnoyingly) sing Be Our Guest for hours on end. And come on, how absurdly brilliant is it to have as a villain, an obnoxious muscle head who uses antlers in all of his decorating? His turn from narcissitic suitor to blood thirsty maniac is so good. (My what a guy that Gaston!) And of course the storytelling is enthralling, it is dark and funny and romantic. It is definitely a tale for all ages to enjoy.