Opinion Battles Round 20 Favourite TV Show to Movie

By Newguy

Opinion Battles Round 20

Favourite TV Show to Movie

Once again we dive into searching through Hollywood’s lack of ideas as they return to old television shows to make a movie, this does offer a show cancelled too soon to say goodbye to the hugely loved characters.

If you want to join the next round of Opinion Battles we will be take on What is your Favourite Ghost Film, to enter email your choice to moviereviews101@yahoo.co.uk by Saturday 14th October 2017.

Darren – Movie Reviews 101


Firefly was one of the most loved sci-fi shows that got cancelled too soon, we only got 13 episodes but Serenity gives us a chance to see our character one more time, they are bigger and better with a story that gives you everything you wanted for our characters.

Cinema Parrot Disco

Wayne’s World


I struggled with this one until I realized that one of my all-time favorite movies should qualify as it’s a part of a long-running American comedy sketch show. So my favorite TV show to movie film is Wayne’s World. And I’m not at all ashamed to admit it. Wayne’s World is excellent. Zang!

Kim – Tranquil Dreams

Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars is a great character played by Kristen Bell and the show ended in a way that there was such a lack of resolution. The movie did a great job at helping tie up some loose ends as well as a reason for a reunion for everyone. However, it was truly a movie for the fans. The characters would mean much less for those who haven’t seen the show and just hopping in. However, its a ton of fun. Veronica Mars and her sleuth skills is always awesome.

Milo – Stuff and That

Wayne’s World

One of the small handful of SNL characters to successfully make the transition to the big screen (sorry, Pat!), Wayne and Garth’s irreverent antics throughout led this flick to become one of my most quotable and effortlessly funny out there. Excellent!

Tom – Plain Simple Tom Reviews

The Simpson’s Movie

Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig . . .

I didn’t fully appreciate it the first time I watched it but this feature length excursion for our favorite yellow family, Lord knows how many years it took to make, is a very funny, easily watchable, exciting adventure.

The best thing is that it keeps on being funny through repeat viewings and you’re likely to even pick up on something that you missed the first time.

It may have a gazillion screenwriters but The Simpsons Movie is tons of fun and a shining example of TV to film done right. We need a sequel!!

Rob – Movie Rob

Star Trek

They took a goofy 60’s sci-fi show and turned it into one of the biggest movie franchises.

The character arcs got better as time goes by and then they rebooted the whole thing making it even better and more modern thus showing the power of the storytelling even after 50 years.

Rachel – 54 Disney Reviews

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm


My favorite TV to movie adaptation has to be Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. This is actually my favorite Batman movie and it is based on Batman: the Animated Series. What I love about this film is it treats Bruce Wayne as a real fully developed person with emotions and relationships. Often I feel like Batman and especially Bruce gets lost in Batman movies to the charismatic villains. Not here. The villains are important but nothing to Batman and his journey to walk the line between good and evil. 

The score by Shirley Walker is amazing. The animation is striking and beautiful. It’s just a great movie from a great show.

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