Opinion Battles Results Round 13

By Newguy

Opinion Battles Results

Best Film Franchise

When it came to picking the best film franchise we had a range of contenders, we had the hugely popular Star Wars that has spanned generations as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe that is the king of the Box Office in recent years. We also saw the franchise that roared back onto our screens this year, but the highlight was the selection of the range of horror films.

The voting was tight but we have in third place Mad Max selected by Khalid getting 2 pointsmax

Joint first we have Star Wars and Marvel Cinematic Universe selected by Movie Rob, Drew, S.G. Liput and That Other Critic gaining 7.5 pointsstar warsmarvel

This leaves the table looking like this and it appears only a few people can stop Rob Now, (DrewKhalidEmmaFlicks ChicksJames,S.G.LiputKimThat Other CriticFilmfunkel)table

If you want to join in next years Opinion Battles email moviereviews101@yahoo.co.uk for more details.