Operation Home Organization – Kids’ Rooms (Preschooler)

By Karlaew1 @simplelivingfam

Hopefully you read when I introduced my new series, Operation Home Organization, here.

Room #2 – My Preschooler’s Room

Kids are the best, but they come with so much stuff! The next room I have decided to tackle is my older son’s bedroom. It is a particularly large challenge, because the room itself is so small.

Task #1 – The Closet/Drawers

 Our son’s room has only one closet and one dresser for storage.

  • Clothing – First thing I did was pack up in totes the clothing that was either too small or out of season. The clothing that I left in his closet is all on child size hangers.
  • Toys – I moved the toys he no longer plays with to the play room, his little brother’s room, or the basement. I stored the toys he uses most often on the bottom shelves in his closet so they’re easier for him to reach.
  • Containers- I used different sized clear plastic containers so we could both easily see what is being stored inside.

    The Closet

Task #2 – Organizing the Rest of the Room

  • Under the bed – We stored his keyboard under his bed. It is easy for him to slide out whenever he gets the urge to play.
  • Laundry – He has a large hamper next to his dresser so he can put his dirty clothes in it as soon as he puts his clean clothes on.
  • Mementos – Out on his dresser for display are two of his most prized possessions, which are a medal he won at soccer last year for “Best Defense” and a model dinosaur he put together.
  • Legos – One of my son’s favorite things to do is play with Legos. He inherited a ton of them from my husband’s much younger cousin. In order to organize them, we put them in two sets of shallow plastic drawers and set a piece of plywood on top. Now he can find the pieces he needs and use the flat surface to build all sorts of Lego towns and inventions.
  • Homework space- We’re hoping in the near future to buy a loft bed for his room so he’ll have some more space for a desk underneath it.

    Lego Storage

The really great part of this organizational project was that my son was excited to tackle it with me. Hopefully that excitement will help him keep his room so organized.

Do you have any more tips for organizing kids rooms? If so, please share! I still have our toddler’s room to tackle.