Operation Fit and Fabulous. Get Involved!

By Remielund @remsluxuryblog

Why I Want to be fit and fabulous…

I sit down for 8 hours a day at work and when i’m not in sitting in my office chair eating cake, I’m talking about cake, ordering cake or trying my hardest to bake it. There is a time in everyone’s life when they reflect on their eating habits and decide enough is enough.

For me it was when I had to start doing an unnecessary amount of lunges simply to make my jeans fit in the morning and when I swapped spin class for stretchy pants. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a lovely time getting to my current weight but with only 78 days until Christmas I’m ready to put Operation Fit and Fabulous into action.

The basics of Operation Fit and Fabulous are based on fitness principles that we all know we should be doing on a daily basis.

Week 1

1) Daily Body Brushing

I already own a body brush that I bought from Body Shop after I read about the miraculous effects it can have on your skin. If you want skin that a supermodel would be proud of, you must use your body brush every morning before you shower. It is important to realize that this technique really only works if you use it in conjunction with the other four rules. Body brushing before a day of sitting still and eating cake will only lead to slightly softer skin.

2) Drink 2 Litres of Water Every Day

This is something that I love the idea of but find very difficult to put into practice. We all know that the recommended daily allowance of water is 8 glasses but unless I go to the gym I fail miserably. Those who know me will find this goal amusing as I struggle to finish one cup of tea so the thought of watching me try to drink 2 litres of water is actually quite painful.

3) Be Kind to Yourself

This is not something I will find hard. I am not one of those people who wonders around thinking negative thoughts about how they look. I’m well aware of the areas of my body that need improving but i’m not about to bore everyone in sight by talking about it. Although in the past I have been guilty of being one of those people who moan briefly about not fitting in said clothes while eating a cake and this is something I need to stop. If anything i am too kind to myself, I always reward myself with cake for being good and going to the gym and it is this that has got me into the size of jeans that I am currently wearing.

4) Exercise Three Times a Week 

I do find it hard to be consistent when it comes to exercise. One week I’ll be signing up to every class possible, training for a 10k race or taking part in some random fitness craze that I found on the Internet. Pole dancing, circus skills and ballet dancing are only a few of the things that I’ve tried recently. I’m not afraid of trying new things but this can often be my downfall. I get over excited and injure myself in some way which can lead to days if not weeks of laying down.

The biggest reason I have for exercising at least three times a week is my extortionate gym membership. The lovely team at David Lloyd wrote to me recently to let me know that my membership is going up slightly and even though they offer loads of cool stuff that other gyms don’t (power plates, attendance graphs and free Pilates classes) I have to squeeze every bit of use out of that place before this happens and I am forced to cancel.

5) Sleep for at Least 8 Hours a Night

This will be the easiest of all the tasks simply because I love sleeping almost as much as love eating and this is the best excuse I’ve found to spend more time in bed.

So, week one of Operation Fit and Fabulous officially starts on Monday and I’m very excited about it. If you want to get involved, pop over to http://beachbumbeautyblog.com, meet the founder of Operation Fit and Fabulous and see how the other girls are getting on. Join the Twitter convo by using the #operationfitandfabulous in you tweets. I’ll be posting weekly to fill you in on my progress so feel free to add your own comments about your Fit and Fabulous experience.

Good Luck Ladies! x.x.x