Operating by the Seat of His Pants

Posted on the 08 April 2017 by Lowell

The hypocrisy of da Trumpf is well-documented, so it should not come as a surprise when he is shown to be an even bigger hypocrite than originally suspected, but damn it, it does.
Da Trumpf has been especially concerned that no Syrian refugees (whether man, woman or sick child) sneak their way into this country.  Terrorists, you know. Thus the infamous "ban."  Photos of destitute, ill, starving mothers and their children made no impression on Trump's miniature heart.
The ban was, of course, up-front hypocritical.  The countries on the damn ban list had not been a threat to this country and had never engaged in a terrorist act on our soil.  Other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, not on the list, have been and continue to be, terrorist threats.  The Saudis financed Osama bin Laden and the majority of those muck-ups involved in the 9/11 disaster were from Saudi Arabia.
[Which reminds me:  I don't think we've ever gotten a decent explanation from George W. Bushki as to why he saw fit to provide the means for Saudis all over the US to exit the country ASAP after the 9/11 attacks.  We can surmise it was because he knew Saudis were involved even though he hadn't bother to read the intelligence reports provided to him just before the attacks, or we can guess that it was because he and daddy and their friends had been sleeping with the Saudis for years and were involved in all sorts of intricate deals which involved what we know as petroleum.]

Back to the ban.   Saudi Arabia was one of seven countries left off the ban list in which Trump and Co. have significant investments!  There is nothing coincidental about that!
Back to Syria.  Why would da Trumpf decide to send missiles into Syria when he had said all along he would never do such a thing?  We know that what Trump says is meaningless because his brain, even smaller than his heart, allows him to utter all sorts of nonsense, none of which he understands and none of which makes sense.  That's why his lies so often catch up with him.  He can't remember, for example, that he was opposed to military action in Syria.
What changed?  Da Trumpf claims it was the pictures in his mind of mothers and children killed or damaged by chemical weapons supposedly used by the Syrians.  Okay, stop laughing.  We know he doesn't give a damn about Syrian mothers and kids, chemically attacked or not!
So, why did he order the missile barrage?  Well, he needed a distraction.  This whole Russia business was liable to upset his presidential apple cart and he couldn't have that.  Plus, his presidency has turned out to be one of the worst jokes ever played on the American people and the world, and he has no clue where to begin to straighten things out because the only "order" he ever had to utter was "You're fired!" on his make-believe reality show.
He needed a big distraction.  The heat was becoming unbearable in that Oval Office and it was a bitch way down in Palm Beach.  What better way to send the media and everyone else into a manufactured frenzy and get their minds off the massive failure of his presidency than to pretend he cares about mothers and kids in Syria and send in missiles to punish those who perpetrated the chemical attacks.
What the hell.  Violence is terrible.  Let's kill those responsible!
And finally, da Trumpf being the child that he is, wants, like Bushki wanted, to be a "war prezident"!  So, the easiest way to do that is to escalate things in the Middle East by sending missiles into Syria.  And his military advisers are all "hawks" who know that if reality ever strikes this country, their massive budget will be shrunk by at least 75% -- ergo, they need wars.
We can only hope the Russians are not as crazy as our despotic wanna-be dictator.  As those in the know have explained, da Trumpf has moved the Doomsday Clock ... down to 2 and 1/2 minutes to midnight.
But's that's science and our presidential bozo operates by the seat of his pants.
[The phrase, "by the seat of your pants," means, according to the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, to do something "without the necessary experience or ability."]