Opening up a Can of Worms..

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

This all started last week when I ordered a few 8 x 10 prints thanks to a MPix Mother’s Day sale.  I’d been slacking on my New Year’s resolutions and desperately needed some new (in my hands, not just on my computer) pictures of my boys.

Just when I was in the thick of figuring out what to do with the pictures, I noticed Sherry posted another Pinterest Challenge.

Basically it’s an idea to actually do something that you’ve pinned on Pinterest. Anytime another “challenge” comes up, I always use it as motivation to finally get something done!  (like this!)

This time it’s hosted by the lovely Sherry, Katie, Emily and Renee.

So once my pictures came, I knew I wanted to make a collage like this one found here.

Based on this picture alone, I want to move in her house.  That window and those floors.  What a dream.

Anyways, once I started figuring out how I wanted to display my pictures, I realized my boys room desperately needed a fresh coat of paint.

Turns out painting is not my cup of tea.  But 2 days, a few tears and a lot of frustration later, it was done and I’m so glad I did it!

So now I had my new grey walls, and I needed to decide on a frame layout.  Here’s the thing, my kids room is generally total chaos, so I thought a clean, tidy design might be nice.

I considered taking my time and slowly shopping around for frames at second hand stores, but I opted for instant gratification at Target.  I choose simple thin black frames that were right under $3 each.

I used the stock photos that came in each to help layout how I wanted my frames.  Although you’d never know from this picture, it’s all lined up perfectly.

In terms of how I knew where to nail them. Well, I was pretty horrible at that. There’s 2-3 additional nail holes behind each one of those frames…. which sort of stinks considering I patched all the holes before I painted. Oh well! Guess I’ll have to leave those frames up there forever.

Here’s where we ended up.

I sort of love it.  We are in and out of the room all day long, and I love seeing those memories up on the wall.

And see what I mean about the rest of the room being chaos?  (And this is a cleaned up version!)  I have big plans to build a different desk/storage system to replace the children’s table…

Maybe the next Pinterest Challenge!

Whew! It feels so nice to actually complete a project!
