Open Post: Hosted By The Selfie-Taking Woman Who Murdered 0,000 Worth Of Art
Hey, least she didn’t die. A gal at an art show in L.A. was trying to take a selfie of herself. Hilarity Tragedy ensued when she bumped into a column, which triggered a domino effect, destroying over $200,000 worth of artwork. My dearly departed father used to get super-pissed at us whenever we’d spill anything at the kitchen table. We never knew why, it might have had something to do with his family not having a lot of money when he was a kid. He would have been WROUGHT at this poor lady.
The works were by Hong Kong-based artist Simon Birch. In the destroyer’s defense, the L.A. Times (via Some News) DID describe the show as extremely suited to social media.
“Oh, the selfies you’ll make at L.A.’s 14th Factory, where the art is so social. Our Instagram tour,” and wrote that the show, made up of crowns, was a “series of wondrous, over-the-top sets for the perfect selfie.”
You can watch the carnage below. Hopefully, she has a ton of followers on Instagram so she can score a FitTea contract to pay off her debt.
Pic: YouTube
Source: Open Post: Hosted By The Selfie-Taking Woman Who Murdered 0,000 Worth Of Art
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