Open Post: Hosted By Kim Zolciak Using Her Kid’s Anesthesia For A Media Moment

Posted on the 02 August 2017 by Sumithardia

Open Post: Hosted By Kim Zolciak Using Her Kid’s Anesthesia For A Media Moment

Kim Zolciak never shies from a chance to use her kids as media pawns: first it’s some light prostitution whore-ah-ing for John Legend tickets, and now it’s time to strike a pose – short of vogue-ing cuz #class – while the kids recover from a tonsillectomy. Hey, at least they can hopefully nab a group rate discount from Aetna!

E! reports her son Kash Biermann and daughter Brielle Biermann were hospitalized, the former for an adenoid removal and the latter to get her tonsils tossed. Tonsil removal get worse with age, and I remember half my first grade class hating that bitch of a procedure then. So Brielle is sure as shit not feeling A-OK today. Or is she:

Thanks to Wig’s in-house chef Tracey Bloom, Brielle got a box of dick-shaped mac and cheese! I’m pretty sure you’re only supposed to eat Frosties and Fro-Yo when recovering, but since when did anything in the Zolciak household make sense?! Plus, cheesy dick is better than dick cheese! No word on if these dicks in her mouth came with concert tickets.

Pics: Instagram, Snapchat

Source: Open Post: Hosted By Kim Zolciak Using Her Kid’s Anesthesia For A Media Moment

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