Open Letter 2015 Year Ending

By Newguy

Dear Readers,

I am ending the year with an open letter to everyone who has come across my site. I want to thank everyone who has read, liked and commented on any on my posts because this year I have managed to get over the 100,000 views. I have met some wonderful film fans that have opened up the world of a film conversation I just don’t get in my everyday life, which means a lot to me.

I would also like to thank everyone who took part in Opinion Battles and I am delighted that it is growing next year as it gives film fans from all over the world to voice their opinions on different films giving us all a chance to have an added conversation.

Back at the end of July I wrote a thank you post as I reached my 1500 post, in that post I set a few goals, one of which was to appear on a Podcast. I managed to achieve this by appearing on The LambCast as well as on The Vern’s Film Pastures, I am also going to be returning to both on them early in 2016. I do still have the desire to try and start my own podcast with my main two ideas being a basic chat on what we have been watching or Opinion Battles the podcast where we can get into a real debate about films.

I would like to thank all the publicist that have sent me screeners that have continued to show that lower budget films really are giving us brilliant films that need to be watched by all the fans of the genre.

I would like to thank Movie Rob for pushing me to try films outside my comfort zone with the weekly challenge.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has supported me through the years and I wish to continue making this site bigger and better.

2016 Goals

·   Turn Opinion Battles into a podcast

·   Continue to meet and chat with movie fans from all over the world.

·   Start making more video reviews

·   Continue to improve my writing style

·   Interview the stars/directors of the movies I am seeing

Thank You For Reading


Movie Reviews 101