Ootn #2

By Doreenpupillo @dodipupillo
Two nights ago I was at my friends 21st birthday party.  It was a great night and it was lovely to see people that I hadn't seen in far too long! I decided to wear my primark gray midi dress with my new alexi boots from topshop :).

Dress and bag are from Primark Boots are from Topshop
This is a close up of the boots, I am in love with them, the best thing about them is that even though they have a slight heel they are really comfortable because they have the platform. 

One of the funniest parts of the night was when my best friend from school walked in with the same dress on! however for some reason she had hers on the wrong way round!!

Before going out the door I decided to add a belt which is also from primark and my usual gold chain which features in most of my outfit posts. 
Thanks for reading! 
Dodi xo