Hi! You are prolly looking for some stuffs which you are interested in that’s why you’re surfing the net or perhaps you were reading your favorite blog and you just happened to bump into this site
It’s kinda difficult to think of what to write and which audience to target since almost everybody are into blogging. When I started to create this blog, I was deeply thinking which topic I would focus on….So what about writing product reviews? I would love to do it also but maybe I would run out of posts since I don’t think I’ll be buying products everyday unless someone would ask me to write a review for their products or company which I would love to do if given the chance. Food maybe since I’m starting to love cooking nowadays. Fashion ideas maybe since I love shopping?
After many days of solo-brainstorming, I decided to create this blog which I would focus more on writing product reviews, food trips and street-fashion. So I would include my personal picks, fashion ideas and apparel I have spotted everywhere and since I am now into cooking adventure I might as well include writing about mouth-watering meals which can be prepared out of not-so-expensive ingredients and I would like to write reviews on products and services which I have tried on. I would also be writing poems which by the way, one of my favorite thing. That was the birth of this blog nearly two years ago. But then, due to my hectic schedules, I haven’t updated this blog as much as I want to leaving it for half a year without post entries until last month when I decided to pick it back and change themes and layout to give it a bloggy feel.
Today, my moods is more on the fashionista side and so I would like to feature a Tangerine-theme Outfit which I think would be really cool to put on since it’s summery effect is obviously feverish
I know some of us would have the reservation to don a monochromatic outfit because of our fear that it would dull our look but summer is the best time to play with colors and orange is just one of the right hue to play with.
So that would be for today guys…I hope you liked this post and let me know about your thoughts by commenting below.
What is your dream summer outfit? Let us know….