OOTD: Striped Dress & Colored Blazer

By Savoir_style @Savoir_Style

I have recently gone back to my obsession with Yellow. This is not to say, I ever was any less obsessed with it. Yellow has always been THAT color - the color that instantly lifts your mood. Yellow is the Sunshine, Daffodils and my Happy place. 
When I saw this blazer from OASAP, I knew it had my name written all over it. This blazer is also the perfect pop of color for any outfit and will be perfect for those sunshine-less days, come fall.

In today's outfit, I am wearing a beach dress from H&M with the blazer. Whenever, I feel overwhelmed with the number of colors in an outfit, as a general rule, I stick to neutral (Black, White or Beige) Accessories. This is why I finished the outfit with Black Lace-up sandals (Also seen here & here) and a camera bag.

What do you think of today's outfit? Which color makes you happy and do you have to stop yourself from adding clothes of the same color in our closet?
I look forward to your comments & thoughts. 

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. I received the blazer free from Ettika Jewelry to style on this blog. All opinions expressed in this post are my own.