Ootd: Bold Pant and Cornrows

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Pants: Carla Ferrero, Bag: Vintage, Blazer: BSB, Top: Sisley, Sandals: Symbols,Shades: Ray Ban  Wayfarer,
Earring : Handmade by a friend, Bracelets : Pull7Bear and Handmade.
Rings: Varieties.

So finally, am here with an outfit post, this is what I wore on Sunday.
Since the weather  is been wonderful lately and we can all wear our short shots, dress and skirt.
But for church today I decided to go bold with the bottom and neutrals with the top, and a bit of red to go against all the negativity in the air today in Greece because of the elections.
I am so loving the 30 degree Celsius hotness and digging my mint turquoise pant, so what do you think?

Last minute cornrows made by myself, I need to find time and get my hair done.

 I am so loving this Orange nail color for both toes and hands nails.

I can fly lol
Happy Monday and have a wonderful week you all.