Oodles of Colour, and Beauty, and Bliss…

By Claire

My other dream job is to be a pho­tog­ra­pher at an Indian wed­ding. And yet hap­pily I can live through my blog and enjoy all that fab­u­lous colour, sparkle and excite­ment through the eyes and lens of the lovely Katy Lunsford. Isn’t life brilliant?!

Today I’m shar­ing Abi and Ajay’s wed­ding with you. They were mar­ried in May last year, at Chad­der­ton Town Hall. Their wed­ding cel­e­brated fam­ily and friends, with tra­di­tions tak­ing cen­tre stage through­out the cel­e­bra­tions. The wed­ding pho­tographs take us from a few days before the wed­ding with the henna appli­ca­tion, through the cer­e­mony and some fab­u­lous por­traits of Abi and Ajay at the end of their day.

I hope you love these as much as I do!

Abi is turned from a beau­ti­ful girl to a strik­ingly majes­tic bride with make up and jew­ellery. Oh to be able to wear all that sparkle for a day! I love the intri­cate jew­els across her brow.

Shoes by Kurt Geiger… all the bling you could pos­si­bly dream of and just a lit­tle bit more for luck. These are fab!!!

Ajay arrives for the wed­ding cer­e­mony at Chad­der­ton Town Hall, with Abi’s mom look­ing after her soon-to-be son-in-law.

… as Abi makes an entrance on her Dad’s arm.

Abi’s sari is exquis­ite, isn’t it?! Red and gold are for luck, as most of you will know. She looks so con­fi­dent and excited, and as beau­ti­ful as can be.

A bud­ding wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher! The girls look so pretty — and I love the colour­ful saris they wear.

Wed­ding gifts for the female guests — beau­ti­fully handmade

A touch­ing moment and a mem­ory to trea­sure. These are the pic­tures which always steal my heart.

This one would be on my wall, I think (and quite pos­si­bly life-size if I looked as good as Abi and Ajay do!) — I love the cre­ative shot with the reflec­tion in the pud­dle. Beautiful.

Abi and Ajay look fit to burst with hap­pi­ness. These are such nat­ural, happy pic­tures — I love them. Beau­ti­fully done by Katy Lunsford (and there are more from Abi and Ajay’s wed­ding on her wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy blog)

Would you like to see more Indian wed­dings on the Eng­lish Wed­ding blog? Do let me know — I’d love to fea­ture more of these, the colours are stun­ning and I love how tra­di­tions are embraced whole­heart­edly in Indian culture.

Thanks once again to wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Katy Lunsford for sub­mit­ting this wed­ding to the blog.

Till tomor­row! Have an amaz­ing day, every­one.

Claire xxx