Online Remarketing Strategies for Lawyers and Law Firms

Posted on the 21 May 2022 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

You can attract individuals who have already visited your website to return using Google Remarketing Ads. Past visitors see these adverts while exploring the web, such as viewing videos on YouTube or looking out for news. Google remarketing advertisements are a reliable strategy for your Law Firms to remain top-of-mind and engage more leads than broader advertising.

Google Ads remarketing audience targeting is the subject of this essay. To create effective commercials, you must first identify the prospects you wish to target. When it comes to remarketing efforts, this will assist you in getting the best results. Let’s start with Google Display Network remarketing.

Stages of Google Display Network Remarketing

1. Research stage remarketing

Remarketing Strategies for Lawyers

When individuals are still studying or investigating your business, you’re in the discovery phase. You may use Customer Match to reach some of your awareness audiences. Create a remarketing list utilizing the data obtained by your lead magnet, whether it’s a signup for downloading a case study, a whitepaper, or a newsletter. It’s a good indicator that consumers are interested in learning more about your company when they sign up for such services. Expanding your audience may be done using Customer Match.

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2. Retargeting at the awareness stage

Prospects interested in your company are included in this step of the buyer’s journey. People who are interested in your YouTube videos, for example, might be remarketed to when they conduct related searches regarding your company. Additionally, if you are gathering data from other audience platforms, you may include that data in your remarketing lists to reach a larger audience during the awareness phase.

3. Retargeting at the intent stage

Remarketing Strategies for Lawyers

Audiences at this stage have a strong desire to make a purchase. People who have visited your sales page are more likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Use a service package or discount as an incentive when retargeting them with your marketing efforts. Check out service page visitor statistics to discover which sites should be excluded or tinkered with within your campaign.

4. Remarketing at the level of action/loyalty

A remarketing campaign may be set up immediately before the initial consultation is over so that you can keep in touch with your customers. If you had a positive experience with your legal firm, they would likely return to work with your company. Create unique discount sites or other digital experiences that make customers feel like they’re being treated like VIPs to build customer loyalty. A retargeting campaign should be in place to remind customers of their previous interactions with your company and website.

Lawyers and Law Firms’ Online Remarketing Strategies

1. Use dynamic keyword insertion (DKI) in your ad copy

DKI is a sophisticated Google Ads tool that allows you to insert keywords into your ad copy dynamically. The name implies that your keywords are dynamically inserted into your ad content to match the search phrases, tailoring your ad to the search query. One generic ad may be used to target many keywords in an ad group, thanks to DKI. Depending on the user’s search query, a single ad might display in various ways.

2. Use call tracking- Remarketing Strategies for Lawyers

Remarketing Strategies for Lawyers

Tracking incoming phone calls using call tracking gives you a wealth of information about your marketing activities. Your website may employ dynamic phone numbers thanks to call tracking. Therefore, incoming calls may not only be counted, but attributed to specific individuals. You can see exactly where a call came from with Google Analytics integration. Call tracking combines offline and internet advertising into a single analytics solution to significantly enhance your marketing.

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3. Well-timed alignment / optimized range

You may target people who have already interacted with your legal practice to show your adverts to them. You’ll be able to connect with consumers who are actively looking for a solution elsewhere and are thus more inclined to reach out to you. Additionally, you may help potential clients find you by advertising when they’re actively searching for you on the search engine Google.

4. Targeted advertising- Remarketing Strategies for Lawyers

In some circumstances, it’s possible to run advertisements based on remarketing lists. Remarketing lists may target people who have visited your site for a lengthy period.

5. Efficient pricing

Automated bidding may be used to create effective remarketing campaigns. Using real-time bidding, you’ll get the best possible price for your ad, depending on the person who views it. The goal is to outbid your competitors and come out on top in the auction.

6. Maximize Ad Extensions

To keep users engaged in the present, ad extensions are essential. Consider this: If someone is interested in your services, they will want to get in touch with you as soon as they can. The more difficult it is for them to find what they need, the more likely they will lose interest. Give them the most significant and most manageable experience possible by immediately offering them the information they need.

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7. Sort your “ad groups” according to topic

It is possible to build up several ad groups in Google Ads to target different keyword niches. It is vital to employ this capability to segregate your keywords depending on the audience’s purpose and make campaign administration more efficient.” The keyword used in the ad should match the term in the ad since this increases the likelihood that the relevant customers will click through to the ad. You may accomplish this by dividing your ad groups into themes.

8. Set up conversion tracking- Law Firm

Remarketing Strategies for Lawyers

A link to different settings may be found just below the bidding choices. Among the other options, the first choice is to track conversions. There is a link for those who do not currently measure the number of people who visit your website. After clicking on your ad and converting so that Google Ads may be alerted when this happens. Next, you may follow Google Ads’ instructions on how to measure your website’s conversions using Google Analytics.

9. Monitor performance of ad campaigns

For each ad group, you may create and submit individual advertisements for approval to Google Ads at this point. Google will begin running your advertisements as soon as they are authorized (typically within one business day).
The Google Ads campaign dashboard is a great place to watch your ads. You’ll want to keep an eye on your quality score and your ad expenditure. Utilizing the Google Advertising guidance is possible if your ads are rated lower than average.

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Conclusion of Remarketing Strategies for Lawyers

Google Remarketing Ads is a very effective lead-generating method for law firm marketers. The people you’re trying to reach have already shown interest in your company by interacting with it somehow. Obtaining their contact information is likely if you can get get in touch with them promptly after they’ve seen your website. These steps will help your law firm run an effective Google Ads retargeting campaign.

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