One Week To Go Till My Wedding!

By Hannah Staveley

Wow oh wow I cant believe it I will be getting Married on Sunday the 24th of May yes that's right only 6 days left ekkkkk :)

In a few weeks will be doing a blog post for first time couples getting married well more of what to watch out for as it's not been an easy ride for us at all, some which I would never want anyone else to have such a wedding dress nightmare as I have been in.

Kind of a survival guide.At the moment as I type fighting a chest infection and on antibiotics very worried that I might be still like this on the day but lets hope not.Just trying to sort out our music as my son has messed up the computer and can't get any music to burn to disc, rrrrr yes that's kids for you lol.
Just a little sneak peak of the Wedding favours and yes its Molton Brown!