One-Third Of Americans Refuse To Accept Evolution

Posted on the 01 January 2014 by Jobsanger
I find it amazing in this day and age that people still deny evolution, but a significant portion of the population does -- about 33%, with another 7% saying they don't know if it happened or not. I guess I should be happy that six out of 10 Americans (60%) do believe in science, and accept evolution as a fact. And it is a scientific fact, not a theory as the fundamentalists want everyone to believe. While it can still be debated as to just what path human evolution took, the fact of evolution itself has been proven.
The charts in this post were made from a Pew Research Center survey released on December 30th (although it was done between March 21st and April 8th). The survey questioned a random nationwide sample of 1,983 adults, and has a margin of error of 3 points.
The charts below show a demographic breakdown of Americans who believe in evolution and those who don't. Note that the white evangelicals are the only group showing a significant majority not believing in evolution. Republicans and Black protestants are split on the matter. All other groups have significantly more people believing in evolution than denying it.