One Sweet Friday

By Dressmeupbuttercup @hazelsalcedo

Lookie! A sweet surprise was waiting for me when I got in my office desk yesterday. It was from The Mad Butter and they asked me early this week if I would like to try their cupcakes. Of course I replied yes being the big cupcake lover that I am, but kinda forgot about it and wasn’t expecting it to arrive that day — and two boxes at that! These boxes were placed inside a yellow ecobag and at first I was like, what is that thing on top of my table?? And then I was all smile when I saw cupcakes inside! Too bad I wasn’t able to personally say thank you to the kind soul who brought these to my office as I was out for lunch. But these definitely brightened up my Friday! :)

Now let’s open those boxes and see what’s inside!

TOP (L-R): KitKat Matcha (Php55), Mr. Peanut (Php50), Snickers (Php55). BOTTOM (L-R): Little Red Velvet (Php50), Witch Hazelnut (Php50) OR Charlie Brown (Php40) [I can’t tell from the brochure cos they look the same], and Earl (Php50).

TOP (L-R): Liz Lemon (Php50), Maltesers (Php55), Strawberry Mochi (Php55). BOTTOM (L-R): Bananas in Choco-jamas (Php50), Vanilla the Rabbit (Php40), and Choco Coke Float (Php50).

Before you conclude that I ate all these, let me tell you naa-ah! I shared ‘em with my workmates and brought the rest to my family. I was able to take a teeny weeny bite on almost all of these though, heehee! Sorry, can’t help it! 

I personally like Little Red Velvet, Bananas in Choco-jamas (love the name, too!), and Liz Lemon (honey lemon cupcake). Now I know cupcakes nowadays have to be unique to sell, and that’s why I find the Choco Coke Float worthy of special mention as well. It has real mini straw sticking out! Whattup! Nice special touches like that don’t go unnoticed for me who appreciates even the smallest things. 

Overall, I can say The Mad Butter don’t skimp on the ingredients. You’d think at first glance The KitKat Matcha only has one piece of KitKat (the one on top), but upon biting, there are more KitKat inside! Same goes with the Snickers cupcake! Also, all cupcakes have generous amount of frosting on top. I’m quite particular with the consistency of cupcakes because I don’t want dry ones which crumble easily, good thing these are moist enough! They are also priced lower than other cupcakes I’ve tried. Just a day before I bought a red velvet cupcake for a hundred bucks! Geez. What was I thinking? 

If you’d like to know more about The Mad Butter and to order for yourself or your loved ones, head over to their Facebook page

PS I kinda missed blogging about food! Take a look at my inactive food blog