One Reason For Antisemitism: Jewish Aggression

Posted on the 06 March 2017 by Calvinthedog

deSPICable Me: What percentage of Jews are so bad you want to punch them in the face?

The few I’ve known had some of those characteristics but weren’t quite that bad. They compensated by being very very funny.

I have generally met those types online and not in person. Online they can be real shits. Maybe they tone it down in person.

The Jews got together as a cabal and gave me a lifetime ban on Wikipedia. I think all I did was put in some pro-Palestinian edits. The reason for the ban was: “Hatemonger.” At one point I was on a list called “Wikipedia Nazis.” No idea why but apparently because of the pro-Palestinian stuff. All of us writing pro-Palestinian stuff got put on the Wikipedia Nazi list, and we all got banned sooner or later. A bunch of Jewy Jews have wormed their way to the top of Wikipedia and are now abusing these high positions to go after their enemies. The Wikipedia Jews as I call them are sleazy and dirty.

I’ve gotten death threats from online Jewy Jews, doxing attempts, and they were compiling some weird sort of dossier on me because they kept pulling up these obscure quotes of mine and using them against me.

I was in these Jewish and Israeli newsgroups for a while. They are about 1/2 the worst of the Jewy Jews and 1/2 some really nasty and ugly antisemites, including some out and out Nazis. Honestly one was about as bad as the other.

I saw over and over that people would come in with absolutely no prejudices against Jews at all. They would just say, “Hey, let’s be reasonable and fair and see both sides of this Israel-Palestinian thing.” The Jews would very quickly start pummeling the living Hell out of these poor guys, and they started calling them antisemites very quickly. The guys protested that they were not, but that never works once they label you, no matter how true it is. The impression you got is some guy surrounded by mean people who are running up to him, slapping or hitting him, and then running back to the circle yelling neener  neener, just egging him on to retaliate.

Well, after about six months of this treatment, a lot of these originally completely antisemitic people were practically quoting Hitler. I saw this same thing unfold over and over. It was an actual pattern. These Jewy Jews were going out of their way to deliberately create their own enemies.

After that, I started to figure out why people hate them. Before I had had nothing but positive experiences with (assimilated) Jews, and I never understood antisemitism. I thought antisemites were evil and picked on Jews for no reason.

Most Jews are ok but some are abrasive as Hell.

The ones who act nasty tend to be the Orthodox or the really Jewy Jews, like the ones who only hang out with Jews and don’t really befriend Gentiles too much. The more Jewy they are, the more aggressive and obnoxious they can be. The flip side is they are so mean that they draw out aggression in their victims. Pretty soon their victims are calling them kikes or saying Hitler was right or whatever, and then these Jewy Jews run around screaming that the victim is an evil antisemite. After a while I started thinking they were creating antisemites on purpose so they could be victims, and I actually think this is correct.

Bottom line is a lot of Jews don’t exactly go out of their way to try to win friends and influence people.