One More Debate?

Posted on the 10 October 2016 by Morage @kebmebms

After these two debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Cliinton, what, now, is left to say? Okay, sure, they haven't really touched on climate change or equal rights for LGBTQ citizens or voter ID laws and no doubt a long list of other subjects but what, really, will be said or revealed in the next and final debate between these two?
Unless there's yet one--two? more?--horrific revelations about Trump that comes out between now and then, don't you expect we'll get more of the same from them in this last debate?
Mrs. Clinton will be facts and details with some history thrown in and he'll be the prancing, stalking, evading, emotional disaster he always is.
My question:
What will actually be revealed?
If people can still be behind the lying, bankrupting, shallow, racist, misogynistic, sexist, immature, irresponsible 70 year old that he is, given all that's been revealed on him, what hope is there anyone will change their minds?
And how could anyone be an undecided voter at this point?
What the hell else does one need to learn?