One Man’s View of Me

Posted on the 07 April 2014 by Calvinthedog

From the IMDb page, an analysis:

…It seems that blog author has anger issues and comes across as an ass hole, especially when he writes stuff like this:

I generally say, “None of your goddamned business, bitch.” And then I start calling them lots of names and tell them to shut the *beep* up.

That may explain why women are acting so hostile towards him.

EDIT: Because I was bored I decided to take a look at this guy’s blog, and I have to say he is all over the map. He appears to have some blogs that read more like research papers that are well thought out, well written with lots of research going into them and all his references cited. On the other hand, he has crazy opinion blogs where he praises communism and Stalinist Russia, even going so far as to deny the Holodomor, and seems to ban everyone who disagrees with him in the comments. He sorta reminds me of a bizarro version of Hardliner. An intelligent man who over time lost it and started writing hateful nonsense and ignores anyone who calls him out on it (remember when Hardliner put the entire forum on ignore?). Only that Hardliner was a rightwinger while this guy is a commie, and Hardliner was a virgin while this guy appears to have been successful with women at one point in his life.

Well that is interesting.

I have not lost it over time. I do not write hateful nonsense. I do not ignore anyone who calls me out on my stuff.

Always interesting to see what people think of you.