One Look, Two Shoes and Many Stripes.

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Hello Dolls!!
Its still raining non stop here but luckily on Sunday the weather was good for at least an hour and I had the chance to take some outfit pictures outdoor.That doesn't last for long though so I also took other pictures with the same outfit just different shoes.
I was actually planning on the second look for the post to feature a long dead trend I love that seems to be back " Sandals/Heels with bold socks"  but then saw this beautiful hold house and decided to take the pictures with my kicks in there.
The Old house and kicks represent the old and classic norms while the apartment and heels represent the new and trendy.
The post is an inspiration of how shoes can make a big difference in a look.
The sandal/socks trend followed me through all my High School life since socks and sandals are compulsory part of my school uniforms. Can't wait for summer/spring to rock it here in Greece even though it look very weird here.
So which look do you prefer and will you ever rock Sandal/Heel with socks or you will just stick with Sneakers and  socks.?

Thank you all so much for reading.Have a lovely dayXO