One-half Dozen + 2 Artisan Holiday Eggs

By Ally @allykitchen

Holidays when family and friends get together~~there’s always room for late-morning eating~~and, this is the time to travel around the globe exploring your artisan side of eggs~~eggs are such a glorious food, and making them the show piece of a bowl, plate or the skillet in which they’re prepared becomes an artisan experience~~explore what might excite your palate~

You’ll be breakfasting at the kasbah~~

Imagine yourself on the azure blue Adriatic sipping coffee~~

Maybe you’re sitting at an outdoor Parisian cafe~~

Travel into the flavors of Mexico~~

Strolling the piazza & you find this tasty dish~~

Bring the flavors of South African to your table~~

The Orient Express awaits you in the dining car~~

For the Bohemian in all of us~~

