One Blurry Evening...

By Livingnotes @livingnotesnyc

"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection."

- Sigmund Freud I love Father's Day. It wasn't anything big this year, but it was the year when I let the kids choose what THEY wanted to do to make this day special for daddy. We had ALL sorts of ideas for the agenda : from parachute jumping to going to Europe ( because - as they pointed out - I have a father too, you know, and celebrating the two together would be fun). The settlement came in a form of a trip to one of our favorite mountains ( after the heat passed a little ),  a dozen of freshly made doughnuts from one of our favorite bakers, a full on rock-star concert by everyone who desired participate and watching the sunset and stars at the end. We love big companies and are so glad to have all our kind, funny, and plain amazing friends, but with daily life flying by my eyes in a blur, having these types of quiet and private moments is something that we really need right now. Or so I think , which is most likely ruled by the hormones and that "nesting" stage. Whichever way it is , and though these particular pictures may not be that awesome high quality - the evening was a success and will always remain in our hearts and memories.   ^^ 2 best "backpacks" we've ever owned ^^
^^ a playground in the mountains. only in utah ^^
^^ may not look like much, but the baker i found puts his heart and soul into his creations. add to this that the last time we bought doughnuts was about 6 years ago, this was really something unusual :) ^^
^^ these two photos added to the top of my "favorite pictures" list. my - for now - two men, father and son, talking. no words ^^
^^ a full-on rock star concert with dancing ... ^^
^^ and a little "doughnut break" - because who doesn't need one when performing?^^
^^ some seriously creative dancing, and EVERYONE participated.  i couldn't be happier ^^   ^^ as the sun started to go down, the views of the city below us were nothing but gorgeous. which was about time we climbed a little higher to watch the sun go down and count all of our lucky stars ^^  ^^and let me tell you too - for a baby, 1 year old or a 4 year old, those carriers are absolute musts. i have never been able to pull of this type of a trick at 9 months pregnant ( AND being comfortable too!) with any other carrier, THAT too i now know for sure. ^^ ( more on why i love this carrier  and traveling with it )