How do you begin to adequately express how you feel about the most amazing little baby?
You can’t.
I kept putting off writing this because I simply didn’t know where to begin.
Because Miles is, just, amazing.
He’s fiery, opinionated, and strong willed. I tell him all the time how important strong people like him are. How the world needs men who will stand up and fight for what they believe in. How his strong opinions will become passion and conviction as he grows older.
He’s also hiarious. He makes the funniest little faces. He has this way of catching my attention and making a little smirk as if he’s communicating that he understands way more than everyone thinks he does.
He has a voracious appetite. We are working on sign language for the word “more” so that he will stop yelling “MO!” at me all through every meal…which usually lasts over an hour.
He’s really big and strong. He has a thick barrel chest and strong legs.
He loves to dance. His favorites are “Mumford and Sons” and “Foster the People”. He’s been known to dance through an entire album.
He loves to climb the stairs. He’s fearless which is a great quality, but definitely keeps me on my toes!
He doesn’t love to snuggle. Which is why I’m holding on to his midnight dream-feed. It’s really the only time during the day that he is still.
He loves to sleep. He takes a 2-3 hour nap every morning, a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, and sometimes a little 1 hr nap before dinner. (I’ll be doing a post on how we did sleep training without extended “crying it out” in the future!)
I mean, being the size of a two year old in only one year takes a lot out of a little guy!
He’s precious and so sweet. He melts me. I had no idea how I would love a 2nd child just as much as the first, but I do. It’s miraculous.
As any parent can identify, your child adds a richness to your life that is simply indescribable.
We had a wonderful, simple day. My mom is here which makes my husband having to be gone a bit easier. We didn’t do anything out of the ordinary – just normal playing, eating, napping.
I made a really delicious grain-free birthday cake for him (still no grains for this little guy…more about that HERE.)
He loved it. I’ll be sharing the recipe soon!
I had an emotional day.
Miles turned 1.
I felt new baby kick for the first time.
Hank couldn’t be home.
It was so sweet to receive text messages all day long from friends wishing my little baby a Happy first Birthday.
And I know they did that for me. Miles didn’t have much of a clue what was going on. So the fact that so many would take the time to wish him a “happy birthday” spoke love to me. Mothers, you understand this…because when someone loves your child, they are loving you.
I’m working on his birth story to share with you all…stay tuned. But for now, It’s bedtime.
live well. be well.