Once You’ve Had Mac, You’ll Never Look Back!

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

When I was stuck in the land of Windows, I had friends who had already converted to Mac and were smitten. I just did not get it. I wanted to understand the iJoy but it seemed like they had jumped the fence and hopped into a strange new world and   I was destined to remain in the safe land of Microsoft.

A while ago I kinda caved. It started with the iPone and I love, love, loved it! My other technology was still Windows but my tiptoe into the world of Apple had truly started, but how far would it go?

The gift of an iPad followed, lucky, lucky me! It was a true test of the waters and ohhhh man I was beginning to understand the attraction but just not entirely ready, or able, to take the expensive leap ….. and so I reached a compromise with myself. I stalked iMacs on Ebay until I found what looked like a super pre-loved deal. Consultation with an already Maclovin’ mate confirmed that it could be a winner and emails back and forth to its owner reassured me. Sold. To me. The machine exceeded my expectations and even though I am still now getting used to some of its tricks and settings that’s it, I’m now absolutely done with Windows, see ya, gone, final.

Although, I think that the iPad rivals sliced bread in the scheme of inventions, there was something missing in my apple arsenal and here it is …. the latest crush, my MacBook Pro. Lovingly preowned and very gently used by a friend’s father, it’s won my heart already.

So, what’s your techno platform? Are you Mac or Windows and are you a committed member of the team? Would, or could you, ever consider changing?