Once Where There Was Just Green, Now There Is Colour

By Hurtlingtowards60 @ronitee

After the Spring flowers finished, I was slowly beginning to panic that nothing was going to flower.  Every time I looked at the garden there was a mass of green.  I love green, and there were many shades from light to dark, but an English Country Garden needs flowers.   All of a sudden it has happened, the garden, whilst not a riot of colour, now has a gentle coloured hue.

Firstly the Johnsons, Plantsman’s Sweet Peas – Cupani – are flowering in abundance.  I can’t cut them quick enough.  I have not grown this variety before and they are supposed to have an amazing scent.  I was hoping for that “blow you away” sweet pea perfume, but instead it is a delicate scent that you have to breath in deeply to appreciate.

Then there is the Gerbera.  This plant is now 5 yeas old and  has not flowered as prolifically as previous years, but it still produces wonderfully bright red flowers bordering on being orange.

Another flower I grew from seed this year is Larkspur.  They were only cheap seeds from Wilkinsons in a selection packet so I didn’t know what color they would turn out to be.  Some unfortunately died, but what is left have flowered into an eye watering violet/blue.

Further down the garden, the Phlox is in full flower and next to them are the blue Agapanthus.

I also grew Johnsons Cornflower called Double Black from seed.  They look really good against the pink Cosmos.

I have a slim line water butt just outside my kitchen door, it is a not very aesthetic looking green, so a few years ago I decided to camouflage it.  I put a Passion Flower in a pot next to it, and trained it over and around the butt.  As I was coming back into the house after taking pics of the flowers in the garden, I suddenly noticed tucked in the far corner it has started to flower.  I am sure they were not this color last year but I think it is a fabulous blue.

The Roses are still in full bloom, as are the Nasturtiums, Fuchsia and Montbretia.

Isn’t Summer color wonderful!