Once Upon A Time At The Mall

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

I and a friend were on the phone talking earlier in the week.

We got on the subject of shopping malls. How the one’s we used to visit often or occasionally years ago are no longer an entertaining attraction.

None of the malls are like they were they have really gone downhill.

Even the strip malls have lost the appeal they had.

These places at one time were decorated with the finest of features that stroked interest and activities. Popular stores, famous eateries, variety shops and more. Crowd-pleasers that kept consumers coming back for more.

Sure, people still return to the malls yet the magic is gone.

What was at a time exciting is now dull, boring or mediocre.

I remember the days when talk of the mall inspired enthusiasm to take the trip there.

Green Acres, Roosevelt Field, Queens Center- none of these New York malls have the spark that lit their fire back in the day.

My friend talked about a few spectacular malls in other countries.

After our discussion, I had not planned or thought about going to a mall and ended up visiting one the next day on the spur.

I went, I did what I had to do, I was in need of an item not available at another place I had traveled to.

My Neighborhood mall is not as big as the other malls I mentioned but it is a convenient place, and has a few major retail store outlets that draw faithful consumers.