Little Red Riding Hood was her name.
Only this day, something felt wrong.
With a shiver, Little Red Riding Hood quickened her step. She didn’t like to feel afraid.
Our Red Riding Hood wasn’t so little. As the forest grew dark around her she imagined a soft padding to one side of her. Four paws. She felt eyes glaring. She wasn’t frightened. She was strong.
This time around, the wolf in the fairytale is the strength inside. When a modern heroine needs to be strong, all she needs is to look inside herself.
Red Riding Hood and the wolf: together, you can do anything.
Become your fantasy.
With thanks to Chris Hanley Photography for the inspiration, for the camera with magic inside, and for sharing his photos with English Wedding blog.
Thanks to the gorgeous model for the day: our little red riding hood and she-wolf in one: Jenny Brook
Thanks to fine-art inspired make up artist Jeni Morris for the transformations and for making the dream come alive.
This is a strange feature to find on a wedding blog! But as with every fairytale, there’s a moral to our little story, and a message to take home with you today.
When life gets on top of you, when you have too much on your mind and the nightmares are creeping in, never doubt that you have the strength to find your way back on top. Too often, we find ourselves under pressure, scared we can’t control our environment, and whether that’s the stress of wedding planning or the shadows you imagine behind you – you have a hidden strength inside. Find your own beautiful wolf inside, let her out, bare your teeth if you must and take on the world!
There’s another message here too. Whatever your focus in life, it’s always fun and inspiring to step outside of your comfort zone and discover something new. Do something different. Take your ideas from somewhere unexpected – free your mind for a moment or two and never, ever let boring ideas and other people’s preconceptions limit you in any way.
I’ll explain a little more of what this is all about later in the week.