Steve: It’s sure something to think about. I don’t like either side, but I’d prefer a world ruled by political correctness than actual fascism.
It sure is a shitty choice, and the Cultural Left has stated that I am an enemy, but still I would rather be ruled by my enemies than these guys. I don’t think they will be that hard on me anyway.
Steve: I’d like if we were mature enough to accept HBD and still be ethical and kind but sometimes
That has been the position of this site for some time now, but I now think this is no longer possible. Humans just don’t work that way.
Steve: I worry that the pendulum has to swing to one extreme or the other.
Societies can and do work this way at times. It’s not a cliché!
Steve: We might miss the politically correct world one day.
No shit. They suck, but they’re worse than NAZIS? Um, NO.
Steve: Could it be….better… that people are ignorant about it, that our media tries to keep it that way, intentionally or unintentionally?
I am starting to see why people hide this stuff. That video is what happens when people start signing onto HBD. Some facts might just be so toxic and evil that we might as well shut them down. What’s going to happen if we deny HBD? The sky will fall?
Look, poison’s poison. Sure poisonous lies are ugly things, but so are poisonous truths. If you hand me something to eat and say, “Hey this stuff is all falsehood. And it’s also poison,” of course I won’t eat it and I’ll be glad I didn’t consume a falsehood because I dislike lies. But if you hand me the same stuff, I’m suddenly supposed to consume this poison just because it’s scientifically validated? “Here, eat this poison! Science just proved that this poison is a scientific truth!” So what? What do I care? Poison’s poison. I won’t eat poison because it’s bad for me. I don’t care if the journal Science just proved this particular poison is scientific fact. Great. It’s proven fact. Now I should eat it? Hell, no, it’s poison. I don’t eat poison.
Steve: On the other hand, if the mainstream doesn’t accept reality, isn’t there a danger it will empower the far right?
We are screwed either way. It pisses some off and makes them turn into the people in this video, but also if you acknowledge HBD as true, you probably create even more people in this video. We are screwed either way, but denial probably creates fewer Nazis than acknowledgement.
Steve: Doesn’t the truth have to come out in the end?
Who knows? I’m not sure it matters, since once the truth of HBD comes out, it seems like you just create a ton of Nazis, so I think we should put off this truth coming out thing.