On The Web: Affluent LGBT Familes Not The Norm In The Black Community – Thoughts?

Posted on the 04 July 2011 by Cynisright @cynisright

Image via Wikipedia


Wild Roots Media recently posted an aside about a recent Times article about affluent black LGBT families and their true role in the gay black community.

Quoted directly from Wild Roots Media:

“Historically, families of color have always been diverse. Extended African American family networks of adult caregivers, gay and straight, related and un-related, have always contributed to childrearing. Extended family provided a bulwark against institutional racism and segregation. Thus, the Times’ snapshot of affluent comfort contrasts with the realities of many LGBT families of color who struggle to stay above the poverty line. Further, the depiction of white childrearing and parenting as the de facto norm contributes to the national narrative that non-traditional families of color can never represent an authentic model of family.”

Should media outlets display a more realistic attitude of child-rearing and familial structures? Do you think that would make it easier for more to relate or should we hold up a model that most feel we should aspire to be? Also, would it be better if the family models (gay or straight) would be more diverse instead of the usual Caucasian model?