On the Verge

By Awildernesslovestory @dancelittlejean

That’s me, according to my counselor: “on the verge of doing some serious growing up.”

At first when she said this, I brushed if off, saying, “Well it’s about freaking time!”

She says, “Here I am trying to say something nice and encouraging to you and you ruin it.” It was said playfully, though she was absolutely right – I had responded in a way that pushed her away and didn’t allow me to receive what she was saying.

So I’ve been thinking and praying a lot tonight, trying to receive not only that, but an unconditional, loving acceptance that she offered when we were discussing some mistakes and regrets I have from the past year. And she’s right – I’m on the threshold of something new, a maturity and grown-up-ness that I’ve never known before.

Tonight, I realized that there will actually be a time in the future when I won’t need weekly counseling any more. I never ever ever thought that possible.

Crazy, but good.